Good news for Chengdu High-tech Zone in 2023 Chengde Meizi grassroots Traditional Chinese Medicine skills competition
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-10-26

In order to further implement the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine" and the "Implementation Plan for the Major Project for the Revitalization and Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine", promote the city's traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine technology projects, comprehensively improve the service capacity of grass-roots traditional Chinese medicine, highlight the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of diseases, and give play to the unique role of traditional Chinese medicine in maintaining and promoting people's health, On October 19-20, 2023, the "2023 Chengdemeizi Grassroots Traditional Chinese Medicine Skills Competition" co-sponsored by Chengdu Health Commission and Chengdu Traditional Chinese Medicine Administration came to an end in Chengdu.


The participating teams organized by the Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone won excellent results in the competition with solid theoretical knowledge and excellent operational skills. Team member Dan Wu won the individual first prize in the Chinese medicine skills project, and Li Zhengshuang won the individual third prize in the massage technology project.


Through this competition, it not only built a platform for grassroots Chinese medicine personnel to show their talents and communicate with each other, but also further improved the service ability of grassroots Chinese medicine personnel. Our district will take this competition as an opportunity to further improve the standardization and homogenization of the appropriate technology of traditional Chinese medicine in our district, consolidate the service capacity of grass-roots traditional Chinese medicine, and better provide professional and personalized traditional Chinese medicine services for the masses of the people.