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Solar term chronological health | chongyang regimen to see come on!
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-10-23

Double Ninth Festival on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. In ancient times, on the Double Ninth day, people wanted to reunite with their families and climb high to look far away. Today, let's go into the Double Ninth Festival together

Double ninth season health should pay attention to these

Beware of autumn dryness

Dry for autumn, easy to damage fluid consumption, especially prone to respiratory diseases, autumn elderly people should pay attention to lung nutrition, need to eat more Ganping moistening, nourishing lung and body food, such as lily, yam, pig lung and other food.

2 Live regularly

The most important thing in changing seasons is to maintain good living habits, and it is best not to break the original, habitual and stable life routine. If the elderly want to climb, we must remind them to avoid strenuous exercise for a long time and pay attention to the health of bones and joints.

Pay attention to keep warm and add clothes at the right time

Before and after the Double Ninth Festival, the temperature changes greatly during the day, and the cold air often attacks and causes the temperature to drop sharply. Pay attention to add clothes in time to keep warm, strengthen the body, prevent the occurrence of cold.

4 Reasonable exercise, nourishing lung qi

"An autumn rain a cold", the weather gradually cool, adhere to the appropriate physical exercise, can recuperate lung qi, improve the function of lung organs.

9 Chongyang health dishes

The Double Ninth Festival falls in autumn, which is a period of convergence, cohesion and collection, as well as a period of exuberant lung gold. According to traditional Chinese medicine, autumn should conform to the qi of heaven and earth, nourishment Yin and moisturize dryness, and protect lung qi. Here are 9 health-preserving dishes that are perfect for eating right now

1. Chrysanthemum tea

Practice: dry chrysanthemum bubble water to drink, also can add wolfberry, cassia seeds and so on together bubble water.

Efficacy: Double Ninth Festival health food therapy, have to mention chrysanthemum tea. Chrysanthemum has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and antibacterial, and has a good effect on wind and heat cold, headache and vertigo, red eye swelling and pain, and blurred eyes. A cup of chrysanthemum tea under the belly, heat detoxification and fire, but also to alleviate autumn dryness.

2. Ginger tea with brown sugar

Method: ginger 10g, brown sugar 5g (1 person). Boil ginger with water and add brown sugar. Take it in divided doses.

Efficacy: brown sugar and ginger have the effect of warm and cold, promoting blood circulation, suitable for drinking in the Double Ninth Festival, can keep warm and cold.

3. Rice and pumpkin porridge

Practice: appropriate amount of japonica rice, pumpkin. Soak the japonica rice in advance and set aside. Cut pumpkin into cubes and cook porridge with japonica rice. Add a little rock sugar to taste.

Efficacy: japonica rice ganping, can fill in qi; Pumpkin sweet temperature, can fill the spleen and stomach, antidote insecticidal. This porridge helps to strengthen the body and prevent colds.

4. Lily and longan soup

Practice: Wash lily, longan meat, add water to boil, then add rock sugar, simmer until lily is ripe, thicken it.

Efficacy: Lily sweet, bitter and cold, can nourish Yin and moisten the lung, clear the heart and calm the mind; Sweet longan meat can nourish blood and nourish the heart, stimulate wisdom and calm the mind. This soup helps to relieve the symptoms of Yin deficiency such as dry mouth and dry throat, palpitations, insomnia, hot flusher and night sweats.

5. Mutton and wolfberry soup

Practice: Cut the mutton, boil the blood water with boiling water, and remove it for use. Wash the wolfberry bubble hair, put into a pot, add water, salt, cooking wine, ginger, etc., boil, then add mutton, simmer until cooked.

Efficacy: "SHEEP" and "Yang" homophonic, should double ninth festival. In the Compendium of Materia Medica, mutton is called a warm tonic for supplementing Yang and blood qi. Eating in autumn and winter can achieve the double effect of supplementing cold protection. And wolfberry Ganping, can nourish the liver and kidney, brightening the eyes and nourishing essence. This decoction helps to improve the symptoms of Yang deficiency such as fear of cold, pale complexion, and long and clear urine.

6. Golden needle mushroom and fungus soup

Method: Wash and cut the flammulina mushroom and fungus separately, put it into a pot, add water, salt, vinegar, ginger, etc., boil, simmer until the flammulina mushroom and fungus are soft and rotten.

Efficacy: golden needle mushroom Gandanping, can clear heat and detoxify, diuresis and defecation; Auricularia ganping, can moisten the lung, phlegm, blood circulation and hemostasis. This decoction helps to remove heat and damp, and is suitable for people with symptoms such as bitter mouth and dry throat and constipation.

7. Rose tea

Practice: Wash the rose bubble hair, add water to boil, add rock sugar or honey to taste again, drink soup.

Efficacy: Rose sweet, bitter and warm, can promote qi and blood circulation, soothing liver and relieving depression, beauty and beauty. After autumn, due to the reduction of the sunshine time, the intensity is weakened, coupled with the desolate things, people's mood is easy to be depressed and negative, and the spirit is easy to droop. This tea helps to relieve depression, chest tightness, insomnia and dreams.

8. Sydney tremella Soup

Practice: Wash the tremella bubble hair, tear into small flowers, put in a pot, add water to boil, then add rock sugar, simmer until tremella soft rotten. Wash, peel and core, cut into small pieces, add to the pot, and continue to cook until the pear is cooked through.

Efficacy: Tremella sweet and flat, can moisten lung cough, nourishing Yin and nourishing fluid; Sydney glycine slightly cold, can clear the heat and moisten the lung, phlegm and cough. This decoction is suitable for those with Yin deficiency of lung and stomach. It is helpful to moisturize lung and stomach and relieve dry discomfort in autumn.

9. Red date and yam porridge

Practice: the jujube, yam wash cut pieces, add water to boil porridge, add sugar seasoning.

Efficacy: jujube sweet and warm, can tonify qi and nourishing blood, harmonize zangfu; Yam Ganping, can fill the spleen and stomach, qi and body. This poruel is helpful to improve the performance of deficiency of both heart and spleen, such as palpitations and insomnia, pale complexion, loss of appetite, loose stool and diarrhea.

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