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Solar term chronological health | the heavens and the earth closed hiding Yin bravado, light snow keeping in good health to do so!
Author:健教部  Addtime:2023-11-22

Light snow

In the Collection of the 72 Hou of the Month, it is recorded: "Light snow, in October, the rain is thin by the cold, so it condenses and becomes snow. The small, not enough words." The arrival of "light snow" means that the winter snow is about to start.

A rainbow is hidden away

The weather rises and the air falls

Three phenology block into winter

Light snow health, focus on the accumulation of essence

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "winter is the main storage", one of which is "storage of essence". Essence is the basic material of life activities, and it is the source of human energy, physical strength and immunity. At this time, the sealing of kidney essence can resist the cold and lay a good foundation for the next year's Yang qi rise.

Rub your ears

In traditional Chinese medicine, the ear is the official of the kidney. That is to say, often knead ear can benefit kidney solid essence. Hold the hollow fist with both hands, and grind the helix with the index finger of the thumb, taking the heat of the ear as the degree.

Waist and foot protection

The foot is the beginning of the kidney meridian, and the waist is the house of the kidney. Keeping the warmth of the waist and foot is the key to storing the essence. Keep your feet warm and soak your feet with about 40℃ hot water every night. Kneading, percussion lumbosacral region, can play the role of warming kidney Yang.

At this time keep in mind the "four three", raise a healthy good body!





Xiao Xue Yang Sheng Yin

Food should be full and fill appropriate amount, black sesame black bean rice appropriate.

Eat spinach, orange kiwifruit, lie early and stay up late.

The fire in the Qing Dynasty helps to dry out, prevent wind and cold and nourishing kidney qi.

Do not sit for a long time lying disorderly fill, according to the Yuan Yongquan Taixi.

-- Wang Yuhui, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association
