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The 2023 Academic annual meeting of the Community Health Special Committee and the Seventh Community health science popularization teacher Competition of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was successfully completed
Author:健教部  Addtime:2023-11-27

On November 24, 2023, the "2023 Community Health Special Committee Academic Annual Meeting and the Seventh Health Science Popularization Teacher Competition", sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and jointly organized by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Community Health Special Committee and Chengdu High-tech Zone Cooperative Community Health Service Center, was successfully held in Chengdu High-tech Zone Cooperative Community Health Service Center. The theme of this conference was "Healthy China Action: Healthy Lifestyle and disease prevention and treatment for all key population". Experts and scholars from Chengdu and Chongqing gathered together, and 13 medical institutions sent teams to participate in the popular science competition, bringing a rich academic feast for online and offline audiences. More than 100 people attended the live event, and more than 266,000 people watched the live broadcast online. Through the fierce competition, there were 1 first prize, 2 second prize, 3 third prize, 3 organization prize and 1 popularity prize.


This activity consists of three chapters

Chapter 1

Under the guidance of the on-site staff, the delegates visited the cooperative community Health service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone and the clean culture education base of Chengdu High-tech Zone Sanitary system built under the guidance of the Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone.


Chapter II

2023 Academic annual meeting of Community Health Special Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association

First of all, Ai He, Vice president and deputy secretary-general of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, will give an opening speech. He pointed out that people's health is the goal of our development, and community health work is the foundation of people's health. This conference will build an exchange platform for talent training, exchange and cooperation, and mutual exchange for primary medical and health institutions in Chengdu and Chongqing, and promote the development of community health in Chengdu and Chongqing to a new level. He wished the conference a complete success.

Subsequently, the institutional sharing session was hosted by Luo Honglin, deputy chief physician of Zhonghe Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone, and Jia Chaoyong, deputy chief physician of Guixi Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone. Zeng Qingqiu, deputy chief physician of Yulin Community Health Service Center, Wuhou District, Chengdu, gave a lecture entitled "Community Health Function Orientation and Development Practice", Xiong Dewei, Secretary of the Party Branch of Chengxiang No.1 Hospital of Qingbaijiang District People's Hospital Group, Chengdu, gave a lecture entitled "Characteristic Specialty Construction of Primary Medical Institutions". Cheng Xiaochuan, deputy chief physician of the Cooperative community hospital of Chengdu High-tech Zone, gave a lecture entitled "Establishment of Secondary primary medical and health institutions".


Afterwards, the lecture was presided over by Cheng Xiaochuan, deputy chief physician of the Cooperative Community Hospital of Chengdu High-tech Zone, and Wang Shifeng, associate professor of the Party School of Sichuan Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, gave a lecture entitled "Mental Health of Medical Staff", and carried out Party class activities of the Party group of the special Committee.


Finally, the Chengdu-Chongqing exchange session was hosted by Su Jie, deputy chief physician of Xiyuan Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone, and Wang Xianjun, deputy chief nurse of Chenjiaqiao Community Health Service Center of Shapingba District in Chongqing, made a sharing exchange entitled "Chongqing Community Health Institutions share medical prevention Integration".


Chapter 3

The seventh community health science teachers Competition

The three judges of this competition are Li Zhixin, a researcher from Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Lei Yi, an associate professor from West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and Bai Yundan, a doctor from Chengdu First People's Hospital. The hosts were Cao Wei, deputy chief physician of Chengdu High-tech Zone Cooperative Community Health Service Center, and Chen Xuan, head of business development and science and education Department of Chengdu High-tech Zone Cooperative Community Health Service Center. This competition adopts 40% online voting and 60% on-site as the scoring standard.




There are 13 teams participating in this popular science competition. After drawing lots, they will compete in the order of drawing lots:

I. "So Propaganda"

Guixi community Health service center, Chengdu high-tech zone

Luo Chenchen and Tang Lu


2. Copd, the "Silent Killer" Lurking by your Side

Jincheng community health service center, chengdu high-tech zone

Ma Yuehua


3. Don't Let Diabetes Destroy Your "Window of the Mind"

Xiyuan community health service center, chengdu high-tech zone

Lu Chunyu and Ma Duan


Four, "My shoulder I am the master - Talk about those things of shoulder periarthritis"

Fangcao community health service center, chengdu high-tech zone

Wang Fei, Du Tianbing, Deng Yue


Five, "Stomach, How are you"

Xiaojiahe community health service center, chengdu high-tech zone

Li Yan-Qian, Pan Wei-dong, HUANG Li-ying, LAN Ya-han, Jiang Xin-Rui


6. "Using Ba Duan Jin for the Present" 

Chengdu First People's Hospital

Ma LAN, XIANG Guyue, Yang Xiaomeng, Zhang Danyao, WANG Daoxiang


Seven, "Less sweet, more healthy"

Nanxin community Health Service center, Chengdu high-tech zone

Li Lianjuan, WU Heng, Zan Na, Zou Li, Lu Yuyan


Eight, "If the milk is healthy, I will be well"

Zhonghe community health service center, chengdu high-tech zone

Jiang Haixia, Yang Jun, Zhang Li


9. Happy Tumbler

Chengdu high-tech zone cooperative community health service center

Wang Xiaochun, Wu Xiaolin, Jiang Yuzhu, Yang Yi


10. "Depression" in the Sunshine"

Public Central Health Center of Chengxiang Town, Qingbaijiang district, Chengdu

Fu Xiangchan, Xue Tingting, Xu Yifei


11. "My Dream"

Chengdutianfu New district general Bei community health service center

Qing Li-ming, SONG Zhen, HUANG Lan-xin, CAI Qiu-xue, JIANG Wen-jing, LI Wan-ling, SHEN Yu-Hang


12. "The Adventures of Three Hairs -- Popularization of Health knowledge on Hair Loss Prevention"

Shiyang community health service center, chengdu high-tech zone


13. "Eliminate cervical cancer, look at me!"

Yongan community health service center, chengdu high-tech zone

Chen Ziyan, Wang Li, Ye Hong, Yang Ling


Through the fierce competition, Chengdu First People's Hospital won the first prize, Chengdu Chengxiang Town Public Center Health Center of Qingbaijiang District and Chengdu Tianfu New District General Hospital Community Health Service Center won the second prize, Chengdu High-tech Cooperation Community Health Service Center, Chengdu Xiaojiahe Community Health Service Center and Chengdu High-tech Development Zone Shiyang Community Health Service Center won the third prize, Chengdu high-tech Development Zone Cooperation Community Health Service Center won the third prize. Yong 'an Community Health Service Center, Fangcao Community Health Service Center and Xiyuan Community Health Service Center of Chengdu High-tech Zone won the organization award, and Chengdu First People's Hospital also won the popularity award.


(More highlights of the event, you can directly watch live replay oh)
