Drawing a blueprint for a healthy China and branding the imprint of rare disease care - The inaugural meeting of the Rare Disease Special Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association and the first academic conference were successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-12-16

   In recent years, the country has continuously introduced rare disease management policies, strengthened attention to rare disease patients, and to promote the development of rare disease prevention and treatment, improve the unity and cooperation of rare disease diagnosis and treatment, and gradually achieve the goal of "homogeneous management and localized treatment" of rare diseases. The establishment conference of the Rare Disease Special Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association and the national continuing medical education project "Children's Hematological Tumor Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Learning Class (Project No.: 2023-06-01-266 (China)" jointly organized by Chengdu High tech Medical Association and Chengdu Women and Children's Center Hospital were successfully held in Chengdu from December 15 to December 16, 2023.


  123 people from 45 medical institutions both inside and outside the province attended the founding ceremony of the Rare Disease Professional Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association on December 15, 2023. The conference passed deliberation and democratically elected a leadership team consisting of the chairman, alternate chairman, vice chairman, and executive committee members of the special committee. Professor Li Xiaojing from Chengdu New Century Women and Children's Hospital was elected as the chairman of the special committee, Director Zhou Min from Chengdu Women and Children's Center Hospital was elected as the alternate chairman of the special committee, Professor Zhou Kaiyu and Professor Cai Xiaotang from West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Chen Rong from Chengdu Third People's Hospital, Professor Lv Zhan from North Sichuan Medical College Affiliated Hospital, Professor Yuan Ping from Southwest Medical University Affiliated Hospital, Professor Chen Shu from Chongqing Medical University Affiliated Second Hospital, and Vice Minister Xiong Jie from Chengdu Charity Federation were elected as the vice chairman of the special committee.


  Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High tech Medical Association, attended the founding conference and delivered a speech. He first expressed warm congratulations on the conference and pointed out the important significance of this conference in promoting the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of rare diseases. At the same time, he hopes that in the future, the Rare Disease Specialist Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association can provide better medical services and guarantees for rare disease patients under the leadership of Chairman Li Xiaojing. Subsequently, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General Ai He issued certificates to the elected Chairman, alternate Chairman, and Deputy Chairman.




  At the meeting, a functional party group of the Rare Disease Special Committee was also established. Among the 69 party members of the committee, after recommendation and discussion, the society agreed to form a functional party group consisting of three comrades: Comrade Li Xiaojing, Comrade Zhou Kaiyu, and Comrade Gao Hua. Comrade Li Xiaojing served as the leader of the working group, Comrade Zhou Kaiyu was responsible for disciplinary inspection and organizational work, and Comrade Gao Hua was responsible for propaganda work. Comrade Zhou Kaiyu led all members to study the Party lesson - "Be Brave to Take on Responsibility, Be Good at Doing".

  On the morning of December 16, 2023, the first academic conference of the Rare Disease Special Committee and the national continuing medical education project "Children's Hematological Tumor Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Learning Class" officially began. The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Professor Chen Rong, Vice Chairman of the Rare Disease Special Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association. Professor Yang Renchi, Executive Chairman of the China Rare Disease Alliance and Leader of the China Hemophilia Cooperation Group, Vice President Niu Xia of Chengdu Women and Children's Center Hospital, Director Yuan Huimin of Chengdu Social Welfare and Charity Development Center, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General of Ai He of Chengdu High tech Medical Association Professor Li Xiaojing, Chairman of the Rare Diseases Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.


  During the conference, Professor Yang Renchi from the Hematology Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Gao Ju from West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Cai Xiaotang, Professor Zhou Kaiyu, Professor Zhu Yiping, Professor Cheng Xinran from Chengdu Women and Children's Center Hospital, Professor Wu Runhui from Beijing Children's Hospital, Professor Hu Qun from Tongji Hospital affiliated with Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Professor Feng Xiaoqin from Southern Hospital of Southern Medical University were present Professor Li Xiaojing from Chengdu New Century Women and Children's Hospital and Professor Xiao Jianwen from Chongqing Medical University Affiliated Children's Hospital conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of rare diseases. They shared the latest research findings, clinical experience, and care and support for patients with rare diseases. In addition, Secretary General Ma Tao of the Beijing Pain Challenge Public Welfare Foundation also shared the role and path of public welfare forces in solving rare disease problems. He introduced how public welfare organizations can provide assistance to rare disease groups through policy advocacy, public education, patient support, and called for more social forces to join in the prevention and treatment of rare diseases.



  Finally, Professor Zhou Min from Chengdu Women and Children's Center Hospital summarized the conference. She said that this conference not only strengthened communication and cooperation in the medical field, but also promoted social care and support for patients with rare diseases. By increasing public awareness and attention towards rare diseases, we believe that more people will join the ranks of caring for patients with rare diseases.

  The successful holding of this conference has injected new impetus into the Rare Disease Professional Committee of Chengdu High tech Medical Association in promoting the construction of a healthy China and strengthening the management of rare diseases. We firmly believe that in the future, through the joint efforts of all parties, the prevention and control of rare diseases will definitely achieve more significant results. At the same time, we also look forward to more people paying attention to and supporting the group of rare disease patients, and jointly creating a better social environment.