Pain Path: Joining Hands to Explore the Path of Pain Management - The "Pain Management Continuing Education and Training Class" of Chengdu High tech Medical Association was Successfully Convened
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-12-23


   In order to enhance the theoretical knowledge and professional skills of medical staff in pain management, the "Pain Management Continuing Education Training Course" hosted by Chengdu High tech Medical Association and hosted by Chengdu Shangjinnanfu Hospital was successfully held on December 23, 2023 at Chengdu Shangjinnanfu Hospital. The holding of this training course provides a valuable learning opportunity for medical staff, allowing them to better understand the latest concepts and technologies in pain management, and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of pain management.




  The meeting kicked off in speeches by Song Li, Deputy Director of the Pain Department at West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High tech Medical Association. They emphasized the importance of pain management in the medical field and pointed out that accurate assessment and effective treatment of pain are crucial for improving the quality of life and medical outcomes of patients.

  In the training class, Professor Song Li, Professor Yang Bangxiang, Professor He Xuemei, Professor Wan Yuming, Professor Yin Yan and Professor Ye Ling from West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and Professor Liu Dong from Chengdu Second People's Hospital gave wonderful special presentations and speeches, covering pain optimization management, common neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain management, acute pain management, full process management of herpes zoster neuralgia, standardized management of cancer pain, full process management of osteoporosis and pain, and the application of minimally invasive intervention technology in pain diagnosis and treatment at West China Hospital. The speeches of these scholars are rich in content and easy to understand, providing a rare learning opportunity for the attendees.


  In the summary section of the meeting, Professor Yang Bangxiang reviewed and summarized the content of this training class, and emphasized the importance and necessity of pain management in modern medicine. He pointed out that through this training, medical staff have gained a deeper understanding and mastery of theoretical knowledge and clinical skills in pain management, providing strong support for future clinical work.

  The holding of this training course not only improved the understanding and skill level of medical staff in pain management, but also laid the foundation for promoting the improvement of pain management level. At the same time, it also brings more humane and professional medical services to patients.