Move forward and overlook the future - "Precision Refractive Cataract Surgery Seminar and Ophthalmology Academic Exchange Conference" was successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2023-12-25

With the continuous progress of cataract surgery, examination technology and intraocular lens design, and the continuous improvement of postoperative visual quality, cataract surgery has entered the era of refractive cataract surgery. In such an era, cataract doctors are faced with many problems and challenges that need to be overcome. In order to let the majority of doctors have a more comprehensive understanding of the best treatment plan for refractive cataract surgery, The national continuing medical education project "2023 Precision Refractive Cataract Surgery Seminar and Ophthalmology Academic Exchange Conference (Project number: J50-23-12)" co-sponsored by the School of Optometry of Wenzhou Medical University, Chengdu Eastern Aier Eye Hospital and Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was successfully held in Chengdu.


The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Lu Tao, President of Chengdu Eastern Aier Eye Hospital. Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, LAN Changjun, President of Chengdu Eastern Aier Eye Hospital, and Professor Yu Ayong, School of Optometry of Wenzhou Medical University attended and delivered a speech.


This training course invited famous experts and scholars in the field of ophthalmology to elaborate widely concerned issues in the field from different angles, such as several challenges of precision refractive cataract surgery, visual quality evaluation of precision refractive cataract surgery, accurate intraocular lens diopter calculation, etc. Each lecturer's teaching content was combined with the actual work of precision refractive cataract. It is hoped that through this platform, the knowledge of the new development of ophthalmic cataract can be shared with everyone.


Through this training, we hope that every ophthalmology related professional medical, technical and nursing personnel can learn to absorb the new knowledge shared by authoritative experts in the industry, combined with the characteristics and actual conditions of medical institutions, continue to deepen the knowledge content, flexibly apply to practical work, improve the awareness of relevant professionals on precision refractive cataract surgery, through the sharing of knowledge and technology, Leading the advancement of ophthalmology technology, providing a strong forward help for the development of regional refractive cataract surgery.