Who are the health science pioneers? 2023 Sichuan Health Science Popularization Influence List is officially launched!
Author:健教部  Addtime:2023-12-09

In order to fully implement the Healthy China strategy, promote the transformation from "disease treatment as the center" to "health as the center", and promote the wider dissemination of health knowledge and medical research achievements, the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China has clearly proposed to "support and encourage the medical and health industry and related practitioners to create and publish more high-quality health science popularization works". Encourage medical institutions and medical staff to carry out health promotion and health education.

The rich health science popularization, for the participating hospitals, institutions, doctors, etc., is to pay, but also worth praise! Therefore, from now on, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, Chengdu Business Daily - Red Star News, Sichuan Medical Science and Technology Innovation Research Association, Sichuan Bioinformatics Society, Chengdu Maternal and Child Health Association, Chengdu Biomedical Information Society and other related medical and health science (associations), The first health science popularization influence List and health industry brand value general evaluation list in China (Sichuan) are officially launched, and high-quality science popularization works are solicited from medical and health institutions and industry practitioners in Sichuan.

It is reported that both health science works and health science accounts; Both units and individuals can participate in this activity, and the organizer will broadcast and report the excellent works. At the same time, the organizer will evaluate the registered works from multiple dimensions such as content, creativity, communication and so on. Finally, the annual list of 2023 China (Sichuan) First Health Science Popularization Influence List and health industry brand Value general evaluation List will be announced.

Registration method: send the application type (work/account number/individual), reason, contact information, etc. to the registration email;

Registration time:From now until 18:00 December 25, 2023

Registration requirements:

1. The registered works include but are not limited to graphics, cartoons and videos;

2. Single video work should be within 100M, format: MP4, duration: within 10 minutes;

3. For the science popularization account category, the full name of the platform, the full name of the account and the link/screenshot should be submitted.
