2023.12.21 AI-Mammary Cloud Exchange Meeting was successfully held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2023-12-21

In order to promote the discipline construction of regional breast cancer specialty, academic research and exchanges related to breast cancer treatment are carried out, practical and cutting-edge treatment concepts are better promoted, and standardized treatment in this specialty is improved by medical institutions, so that more breast professionals can benefit from it. The "AI Research Association - Breast Cloud Exchange Meeting" sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association was successfully held online on December 21, 2023.

This meeting invited Professor Zhang Purong of Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Professor Wang Xujuan of Neijiang Second People's Hospital, Professor Quan Yi of Southwest Medical University Affiliated Hospital, Professor Wu Yang of Neijiang First People's Hospital and other experts to bring wonderful academic sharing. The conference also invited a number of doctors to share experience on behalf of the department and conduct multidisciplinary academic exchanges.
