The family special high-tech zone selection of the Healthy Chengdu Action Knowledge and Action Competition was successfully held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2024-01-14


On January 13, a special family competition of Healthy Chengdu Action Knowledge Competition was successfully held in Montpelier Primary School in Chengdu. This activity aims to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on promoting the construction of Healthy China and strengthening the construction of family education and family style, promote the in-depth development of the health high-tech action, implement the strategic theme of the Healthy Chengdu action with practical actions, and realize the goal of "jointly build and share, health for all". Jointly sponsored by the Office of Patriotic Health Campaign Committee, the Working Department of Party and Masses, and the Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, and undertaken by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, this competition promoted the basic concept of Healthy China Action through the forms of "health science popularization video display and health knowledge competition", and promoted education and application through the competition, and mobilized the enthusiasm and initiative of the whole society to participate in the Healthy China action. To promote family health promotion activities and improve the health literacy level and family health management ability of the whole population.



At the event site, 10 family teams from 7 streets and 3 hospitals in Chengdu High-tech Zone competed. In the first part of the health science video demonstration, each participating family team showed their own health science video, some families brought their own three-word classic of eye protection, some families brought a short play of family health knowledge, and some families showed children's aerobics...... These popular science videos spread more health knowledge to more viewers and enhance public awareness and understanding of health.


Then, the competition entered the answer section, and each participating family team answered the questions on the spot. This part included three parts: required questions, urgent questions and risk questions. The participating families actively answered the questions, showing their health knowledge level and adaptability. In the required answer session, each family was required to answer questions about health knowledge, and families with high correct rates received warm applause from the live audience. The answer to the question link will be the scene atmosphere to a climax, the participating families rushed to press the answer to show their rapid response ability. In the risk question section, the participating families could choose the corresponding risk question according to their own ability to answer, which increased the challenge and interest of the competition.

Participating family teams have said that this competition not only let everyone learn valuable knowledge, enhance the cohesion of the family, but also exercise the family team cooperation ability. This is a very meaningful family activity, looking forward to better results in the next competition. In this process, the family team members also harvest the warmth and joy of the family. We believe that this competition will be an unforgettable memory in the history of all families.




This competition is not only a contest of knowledge and skills, but also a dissemination and advocacy of health concepts. Through the competition, the participating families had a deeper understanding of the basic concept and connotation of the Healthy China Initiative, and enhanced the national health literacy level and family health management ability. At the same time, this activity also further sang the theme of promoting the construction of Healthy China and in-depth carrying out the Healthy China action, and injected new impetus to the development of health cause in Chengdu High-tech Zone.