Experts Liangshan set sail, children's heart guard warm as spring - Chengdu High-tech Medical Association rare disease special committee experts went to Liangshan prefecture to carry out free diagnosis activities
Author:质控  Addtime:2024-05-24


In the great journey of rural revitalization, the special Committee for Rare Diseases of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association actively responded to the national call for medical and health poverty alleviation, and went deep into Ningnan County, Liangshan Prefecture, to build a health barrier for children with congenital heart disease, ensure that children with congenital heart disease in minority areas can get timely and effective treatment, and fundamentally solve the dilemma of poverty due to disease and return to poverty due to disease.

In mid-late May 2024, on the eve of "June 1 International Children's Day", Zhou Kaiyu, deputy chairman of the Rare Disease Special Committee of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, led a team to set foot on the land of Ningnan County, Liangshan Prefecture, together with the expert team of Sichuan University Education Foundation, Sichuan Youth Development Foundation and Children's Heart Center of West China Second Hospital of Sichuan University. It opened a profound journey of screening and treatment of congenital heart disease. Experts pour professional and warmth into protecting the health of the child and adding wings to the dream.


The campaign, which started on May 19 and lasted until May 25, covers all kindergartens, preschool education centers and primary schools in Ningnan County. Facing the vast territory and rugged mountain road Ningnan County, as well as many ethnic minority compatriots, experts overcome many difficulties, night and night, mountains and mountains, just to find those who need help with congenital heart disease children. Under the strong coordination and support of Sichuan Youth Foundation, Sichuan University Education Foundation, Ningnan County health system, education and sports system, and Youth League Committee, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Rare Disease Special Committee and free clinic expert team have provided comprehensive and detailed screening services for local children.



In the process of free diagnosis, Zhou Kaiyu, deputy director of the rare disease Special Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, said: "Seeing the children's innocent smiles and eager eyes for recovery, I deeply feel the responsibility and mission as a doctor. The visit to Liangshan made me more determined to serve children with rare diseases, and in the future, the special committee will continue to work hard to bring health and happiness to more children."

In addition, Director Zhou Kaiyu also used the evening time to hold professional knowledge lectures for local medical staff, sharing cutting-edge knowledge such as "early identification and treatment of common congenital heart disease". At the same time, the cardiac ultrasound experts of the free clinic team also carried out a difficult case consultation with the doctors of Ningnan County People's Hospital, and jointly discussed the ultrasonic diagnosis technology and the main points of postoperative ultrasonic detection of complex congenital heart disease. These initiatives aim to improve local health care and contribute to the heart health of local children.

This free clinic activity not only brings health and hope to children with congenital heart disease, but also makes us deeply realize the importance and urgency of children's heart health cause. In the future, the Rare Disease Special Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association will continue to uphold the purpose of "caring for life and protecting health", and actively cooperate with local relevant institutions to promote the in-depth development of children's heart health. We will continue to provide timely and effective assistance to more children in need of help, so that they can thrive under the moisture of love and bloom their own flowers of life!