Heart for the Plateau, Deep Love for Virtue - Member Unit of Chengdu High tech Medical Association - Comrade Yang Jie from Chengdu First People's Hospital Roots in Virtue!
Author:质控  Addtime:2024-05-30

Two years ago, Yang Jie, Minister of the Business Development Department of Chengdu First People's Hospital, the chairman unit of Chengdu High tech Medical Association, bravely stepped onto the hot land of Dege with profound medical knowledge and rich clinical experience. He carried out targeted support for rural revitalization here, bringing a dawn of health and hope to the people there. His deeds have been widely spread locally, and the Dege County Integrated Media Center has conducted special reports and promotions.


Yang Jiechu, the current director of Dege County People's Hospital, devoted himself to the tense epidemic prevention and control work when he arrived in Dege. Under the strong leadership of the County Party Committee, County Government, and County Health Bureau, we have made contributions to achieving the three goals of zero occurrence, zero overflow, and zero infection in Dege. During this period, the medical team not only strictly implemented various prevention and control measures, but also actively treated more than 20 critically ill patients from Jiangda, Baiyu, and Dege local areas.


After achieving a phased victory in epidemic prevention and control, Yang Jie did not stop. He led his team to actively promote the development of medical and health care in accordance with the assistance requirements of one county, one case, and successively built five centers, including chest pain centers and stroke centers. Among them, the critical newborn treatment center and the critical pregnant and postpartum treatment center have had a profound impact in Dege and surrounding counties. At the same time, a health management center has been built, and the number of physical examinations has increased by 140%.


In addition to providing medical technology assistance, Yang Jie also focuses on promoting public welfare and promoting health education. He led his team to visit rural households and carry out public welfare propaganda for free clinics and patrols, conducting more than 20 visits to various towns and villages in the county, and delivering medical treatment and medicine to tens of thousands of people. In addition, he also collaborated with the First People's Hospital of Chengdu to carry out 200 cases of joint and cataract public welfare surgeries, bringing good news to local patients.

In view of the high incidence rate of hypertension and serious complications in Dege County, Yang Jie led the team to build a hypertension compliance center, becoming the first county hospital in Ganzi Prefecture to enter the national construction center. This move has built the first line of defense for the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases of Dege people, and effectively reduced the incidence rate and mortality of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


In order to cultivate local medical talents, Yang Jie has taken various measures. He has trained 31 excellent local medical talents through night schools, remote training, hands-on teaching, teacher led apprenticeship and other methods, inviting in and sending out local doctors regularly. Among them, 11 doctors have passed relevant qualification exams. These talents not only inject new vitality into the medical and health industry of Dege County, but also provide strong talent guarantee for the high-quality development of Dege medical industry.


Yang Jie is committed to promoting the high-quality development of Dege County People's Hospital, by sorting out and improving the hospital's relevant systems, to make up for the shortcomings in management. These measures aim to improve the operational efficiency and service quality of the hospital, ensuring that Dege County People's Hospital can continuously and stably provide high-quality medical services to patients.


For Yang Jie, the work experience at Dege in the past two years has been the most exciting journey of his life. He is grateful for the understanding and support of his family, especially the tolerance and understanding of his elderly parents during the epidemic. At the same time, he also expressed gratitude to his comrades who fought alongside him. It was their joint efforts that led to such remarkable results in the group assistance work.

Looking ahead to the future, Yang Jie stated that after leaving Dege, he will continue to devote himself to the medical and health industry, contributing his efforts to improving the health level of the people. He firmly believes that with continuous relay efforts, the group assistance work will definitely succeed, and Dege's medical and health industry will continue to progress. As a builder, he was fortunate enough to be involved in it, and this life journey will become one of the most exciting memories of his life.

(This article and images are sourced from the handheld Dege. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete them.)