Precision anesthesia is the patron saint of patients' life safety The seminar on the new progress and suitable new technology of female surgical anesthesia management and the working conference of the Quality control branch Center were successfully held
Author:质控  Addtime:2024-05-30

With the improvement of our people's requirements for pursuing a better life, the quality and safety of anesthesia in the fields of eugenics and medical beauty need urgent attention, and the increase of obstetric anesthesia in critical cases will face greater challenges in the perioperative management of female surgical anesthesia in the future. In order to further improve the relevant technical level of the majority of medical personnel, understand the new progress and new trends of related anesthesia, and strengthen academic exchanges. Co-sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and Chengdu First People's Hospital, the "Seminar on New Progress and Appropriate New Technologies in Female Surgical Anesthesia Management (Project No. C24-01-118000254) and the Working Conference of Quality Control Sub-Center" was successfully held on May 25-26, 2024. Anesthesia experts from the province gathered together, covering a wide range of content. Close to the clinic, through the form of keynote speeches and on-site practical operation, jointly explore the new concept and new progress of female anesthesia management, and constantly improve the professional theory and skill level of anesthesiologists.


The opening ceremony of the meeting was attended by Xiong Ming, Vice President of Chengdu First People's Hospital, Ai He, Vice President and Deputy Secretary General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, Professor Liu Shaoxing, Chengdu Second People's Hospital and Professor Ou Shan, Chengdu First People's Hospital.


The conference invited Professor Liu Shaoxing from Chengdu Second People's Hospital, Professor Lin Xuemei from Sichuan University Second West China Hospital, Professor Tang Yong from Sichuan Jinxin Women's and Children's Hospital, Professor Xu Ke from Chengdu Badachu Medical Cosmetology Hospital, Professor Ou Shan from Chengdu First People's Hospital, Professor Jiang Min from Chengdu First People's Hospital, Professor Wang Zuofeng, Professor Li Jia, Professor Xu Lili and Professor Liu Xing to give lectures Class. The experts gave lectures on anesthesia management of non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy, amniotic fluid embolism and AOK, anesthesiology technology for sleep disorder treatment, access to medical anesthesia, and quality control norms for anesthesia management of medical surgery, with a wide range of topics and strong practicability.

The application of ultrasound technology in nerve block and blood vessel puncture by Professor Tian Shun of Chengdu First People's Hospital and the application of blood protection technology by Professor Huang Weiyan in obstetrics Workshop were highly praised.


All the experts of Chengdu High-tech Zone anesthesia Quality Control Branch center entered the work meeting of the quality control branch center, and at the meeting site, Ou Shan, director of the quality control Branch center, reported the filling situation and filling requirements of the quality control information platform of high-tech zone, and the baseline investigation summary in 2024, and discussed and exchanged with all the experts on the work focus and supervision arrangements in the second half of 2024.


The two-day academic exchange conference content is full and compact, the participants have said that through this meeting not only understand the new progress of female anesthesia management, but also learn a variety of critical and difficult treatment methods and how to better carry out anesthesia work, so that participants in this meeting benefit greatly.