2024 Western Hospital Management and Pharmaceutical Innovation Development Conference and Chengdu Biomedicine Innovation Achievement Roadshow was successfully held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2024-06-21


On June 21, the Western Hospital Management and Pharmaceutical Innovation Development Conference and the Chengdu Biomedicine Innovation Achievement Roadshow, jointly sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and Chengdu Xijing Hospital Management Research Institute, was successfully concluded in Chengdu!


A total of more than 30 investment institutions participated online and offline, 5 benchmark enterprises in the biomedical industry participated on-site, and more than 500 people watched online to share the latest information about the development of the industry.

Opening ceremony

At the beginning of the meeting, Zhang Qili, deputy secretary and office director of the Party branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, on behalf of the organizer, introduced the basic situation of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and the roadshow to the guests, and looked forward to in-depth exchanges and investment cooperation among the delegates through the meeting.


成都高新医学会  张启丽副书记

Guest sharing

Chen Shenghua, Minister of the Management Bureau of Chengdu Future Medical City, introduced the industrial business environment of the Future Medical City, which is committed to more high-quality biomedical projects to grow in the park.


成都未来医学城  陈胜华部长

Zhao Wen, general manager of Strategic Investment Department of Huaxi Yinfeng Investment Co., LTD., analyzed the performance of listed biomedical enterprises in the primary market, recommended the hot investment track of the pharmaceutical industry, and put forward two thoughts on equity investment.


华西银丰投资有限责任公司  赵文部长

He Renke, manager of Tianfu New District Branch of the Bank of Chengdu, shared the support policies of the Bank of Chengdu in helping the innovation and development of the biomedical industry, and expressed the positive attitude of continuing to contribute to the development of the national biomedical industry as a banking institution.


成都银行天府新区分行  贺仁科经理

The conference invited representatives from 5 health industry fields, including the State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Xiaohe Runliu (Chengdu) Technology Co., LTD., Sichuan Nekang Technology Co., LTD., Chengdu Qianludong Biotechnology Co., LTD., and Chengdu Jicang Biotechnology Co., LTD., to share their innovative projects in their respective fields. It has demonstrated cutting-edge technologies in breast cancer active small molecules, non-inductive dynamic mental health management, oral and maxillofacial photography equipment, innovative drugs in andrology, herpes zoster vaccine and other fields, and has demonstrated the huge market potential of results transformation with various data, breaking technical barriers and taking the lead.
















The meeting set up a question session after each project was shared, so that the delegates could have a deeper understanding of the technology, understand the project and understand the enterprise. The scene responded warmly and the atmosphere was active. The two sides of the investment and financing ideas collide, in-depth discussion of investment and financing boost project solutions, strengthen resource sharing, project cooperation and exchange, and jointly create a good health industry investment and financing ecological environment of Chengdu High-tech.


Meeting summary

After the meeting, the participants expressed their congratulations on the success of the roadshow, and thanked the Chengdu High-tech Medical Association Medical Integration Collaborative Innovation Center for the capital supply and demand cooperation platform built for scientific and technological innovation project enterprises and financial investment institutions, allowing the two sides to exchange information and seek common development.


The successful holding of this conference will further strengthen the confidence and determination of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association to promote medical innovation drive and medical industry integration, help the high-quality collaborative development of the regional biomedical industry, do a good job in the whole industrial chain of high-tech and biomedical research and development services, and accelerate the transformation process of scientific and technological achievements in the biomedical industry.