The First Pediatric Branch of Chengdu High tech Medical Association and the Successful Holding of the 6th Furong Pediatric Academic Conference and the 6th Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Children's Health Conference
Author:管理员  Addtime:2024-06-23

In the new era, a new mission is assigned to implement the purpose of "putting health at the heart and putting women and children first", and to strengthen the understanding and diagnosis and treatment level of medical institutions at all levels in our province in newborns, children's health, children's respiration, children's cardiovascular disease, traditional Chinese medicine pediatrics, and children's nutrition; From June 20 to June 22, 2024, the 6th Furong Pediatric Academic Conference and the 6th Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Children's Health Conference, jointly organized by the Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Pediatric Professional Medical Quality Control Center, Sichuan Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan Eugenics and Childcare Association, Chengdu Children's Health Medical Quality Control Center (Comprehensive Hospital), Chengdu Maternal and Child Health Association, and Chengdu High tech Medical Association, was held at the Xiangyu Hotel in Chengdu. The conference was hosted by Chengdu Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital and Chengdu First People's Hospital, and co organized by Sichuan University West China Second Hospital and Chengdu Women and Children's Center Hospital. The conference set up one main venue and six sub venues, and the content was carefully organized around various sub specialties of pediatrics. More than 800 participants from various cities in the province attended the conference.wps1.png