25/5000 The academic exchange meeting on Disease Management of Type 2 diabetes-related complications was successfully held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2024-05-11


In order to improve the clinical research ability of medical personnel, in-depth discussion on disease management of diabetes-related complications was carried out to improve the understanding and management ability of medical personnel on diabetic complications and provide better medical services for diabetic patients. The Academic Exchange meeting on Disease Management of Type 2 diabetes-related Complications sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association (Diabetes-related Diseases Series Meeting) was successfully held on May 10, 2024.

The conference aims to bring together many experts and scholars in the field of diabetes to discuss and exchange the latest research results of diabetes, adhering to the purpose of focusing on clinical, practical, cutting-edge and hot topics, and focusing on the management of diabetes patients. Leading-edge guide explanation, case sharing, new technology discussion, etc. The meeting has strong advancement, practicality and controllability, promotes the rapid development of the field, and is worth learning by the majority of grassroots doctors.
