Lung with long - Lung Cancer Precision Diagnosis and Treatment Forum (the sixth phase) was successfully held online
Author:管理员  Addtime:2024-07-26

The incidence of lung cancer is the first among malignant tumors in China, the mortality is also very high, lung cancer treatment and the whole process management has become the focus of attention. In order to further promote the development of the construction of lung cancer diagnosis and treatment, better promote the accurate diagnosis and standardized treatment of lung cancer and improve the quality of life of lung cancer patients, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association held the "Lung with the same length - Lung Cancer Precision Diagnosis and Treatment Forum (Phase 6)" on July 25, 2024, with more than 50 online participants. The experts participating in this conference are mainly multidisciplinary medical and health professionals from the departments of oncology, respiratory, thoracic surgery, radiotherapy, pathology and imaging. They have conducted active academic sharing on the topics of standardized diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, adverse reaction management and the latest progress in lung cancer treatment through online communication and learning, which has improved the level of multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment in the field of lung cancer treatment.