The seminar on accurate diagnosis and treatment of blood infectious diseases was successfully held
Author:管理员  Addtime:2024-07-23

For a long time, issues related to anti infection have been troubling our colleagues in the hematology department. Patients have low immunity, and the use of radiotherapy, chemotherapy drugs, and immunosuppressants makes them susceptible to multiple factors. When exposed to pathogens, their immune function is fragile; Interactions between drugs are all difficult problems that plague us. On July 23, 2024, Chengdu High tech Medical Association successfully held the "Seminar on Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment of Blood infectious diseases" online, focusing on infection topics and case sharing, promoting the improvement of diagnosis and treatment in the field of infection and benefiting more clinical patients. The attending representatives expressed that they have benefited greatly and hope to participate in more such conferences in the future.
