About the extension of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association Notice of academic conference from February to February
Author:学术会务  Addtime:2020-02-03

Specialty branches (special committees):

In view of the current development trend of the new coronavirus epidemic, after discussion by the society, it is not appropriate to hold large-scale events in the near future. The relevant content is hereby notified as follows:

     1. Postpone the convening of all academic conferences from February to March. The academic conferences in April, May and beyond will be studied again depending on the development of the epidemic situation. Please ask the specialist branches (special committees) to adjust the relevant academic conference plans in time.

     2. In the struggle for epidemic prevention and control, the advanced models and touching deeds that emerged from various specialist branches (special committees) should be summed up in time. After being reviewed by the chairperson, they should be reported to the Academic Affairs Department. .

     3. In the prevention and control of the epidemic, various specialist branches (special committees) activelyassisted  government departments in recommending outstanding experts, writing diagnosis and treatment and prevention and control specifications, providing academic resources, carrying out science popularization, and seeking international assistance. Contribute, express condolences and gratitude here, and look forward to your triumphant return with a healthy body.

                     Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

                      February 3, 2020