Offline Salon of General Practice Alliance and 2016 Sino-US General Practice Teacher Training Program
Author:管理员  Addtime:2016-08-12

At 14:00 on August 12, 2016, hosted by the General Practice Alliance, Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association, Chengdu Jinjiang District Medical Association, Chengdu High-tech Zone Nanxin Community Health Service Center, Chengdu High-tech Zone Cooperative Community Health Service Center, In 2016, the offline salon of the General Practice Alliance under the China-US (Sichuan) General Practice Teacher Training Project Team and the 2016 China-America General Practice Teacher Training Project were held at the China Overseas International Community Health Service Station, a cooperative community health service center in the Chengdu High-tech Zone . Special guests at the salon were Li Shaomin, Director of the Sichuan General Practitioners Training Center, Tian Jun, Director of the Health and Family Planning Department of the Chengdu Municipal High-tech Zone Social Services Bureau, Li Shuangqing, Director of the West China General Practice Medical Center, and Zhao Guangbin, National Committee Member of the Chinese Medical Association General Practice Medical Association . In addition, some industry associations and medical institutions outside the district were also invited to participate: President Zhang Hong of Wuhou District Medical Association, Dean Liao Wei of Shaheyuan Community Health Service Center in Jinniu District of Chengdu City, Duan Hongmei, Director of Jinjiang District Medical Association Community Public Health Committee, Cheng Hua President Xiao of the District Medical Association. Participants in the salon were also micro-teaching teachers of the General Practice Alliance, and students from the Sino-US General Medicine Training Program.


The salon first was addressed by several special guests represented by Li Shaomin, director of the Sichuan General Practitioners Training Center, and announced the official start of the salon. Then we carried out a demonstration of the faculty of the WeChat classroom of the General Practice Alliance. After eight days of WeChat voting for a total of 18,897 people, combined with the actual situation, 6 outstanding faculty members of the General Medicine Union were finally selected. Several special guests issued qualification appointment letters for the faculty members of the General Practice Medicine Association and gave 6 The winners will be awarded. After all the participants took a group photo, the general medicine salon topics-"Non-drug Treatment of Chronic Insomnia" and "Community Management of COPD Stability Period" were started. General practitioners Zou Chuan and Jiang Cuiping from the China-US General Practitioners Training Program Team explained the two topics. During the thematic discussion, the participating general practitioners expressed their opinions and proposed their own treatment of chronic insomnia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Methods and opinions. At this point, the offline salon of the General Practice Alliance and the 2016 Sino-American General Practice Teacher Training Program have ended successfully!