"High-tech Zone Primary Medical Institutions Imaging Quality Control Training Course" Held Successfully
Author:质控  Addtime:2019-04-30

  On March 23, 2019, "High-tech Zone Primary Medical Institutions Imaging", hosted by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association, Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Quality Control Management Service Center, and jointly undertaken by Chengdu First People's Hospital and Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Quality Control Imaging Group "Quality Control Training Course" was successfully held in the Ultrasound Classroom of Chengdu First People's Hospital. More than 80 imaging-related representatives of medical institutions at all levels participated in the training.

Training site

    In the training, Feng Haijuan, director of the Chengdu High-tech Medical Quality Control Center and the leader of the imaging team Cheng Yinrong, delivered opening speeches for the training class. Afterwards, experts from Chengdu First People's Hospital Cheng Yinrong, Lin Wei, Ma Xiaojuan, Li Wenbo and other experts gave lectures for everyone. Focus on several topics such as standard abdominal ultrasound and image retention, the role of imaging examination in early lung cancer screening, the "seven questions and answers" of medical ultrasound, the basics and clinical ideas of imaging diagnosis, and the interpretation of ultrasound and radiology quality control scoring rules Wonderful speech and lively discussion.

Director Feng Haijuan of Chengdu High-tech Medical Quality Control Center and the leader of the imaging team Cheng Yinrong delivered a speech


Teaching by experts

    The purpose of this training is to improve the basic medical imaging examination and diagnosis level by sharing the training content, interpreting the scoring standards, enhancing communication, and learning skills. The purpose of the unified image inspection section standard, inspection and measurement standard, diagnostic terminology standardization and diagnostic report writing in the whole region.