Contents and methods of sanitary supervision for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
Author:质控  Addtime:2019-04-30

    In order to further improve the operational capabilities of the health supervision and law enforcement team in our district, on the afternoon of April 19, 2019, the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association held the "Health Supervision Content and Methods of Infectious Disease Prevention and Treatment" attended by the health supervision and law enforcement personnel of various streets in the district. Training courses for content.


Lu Jie, deputy head of the disinfection and infectious disease prevention and control branch of the Sichuan Provincial Health and Family Planning Supervision and Enforcement Corps, is teaching.



Lu Jie elaborated on the health supervision of vaccination, the health supervision of infectious disease epidemic situation report, the control and management of infectious disease epidemic situation, and the procedures that should be paid attention to in the practice of administrative law enforcement.

    Participants reflected that this training course is rich in content and strong in operability, which not only improves the theoretical level of administration according to law, but also improves the actual operation ability, and also exchanges work experience with each other, which will lay down the further promotion of health supervision and management in the district A solid foundation.