On-site review and acceptance of the practice certification of a hemodialysis room in a hospital in Chengdu High-tech Zone
Author:质控  Addtime:2017-06-02

    In order to implement the spirit of the "Medical Institution Management Regulations" (State Council Order No. 149) and "Medical Institution Management Regulations Implementation Rules" (Ministry of Health Order No. 35) and other documents, strengthen the management of medical institutions in our district and promote medical and health undertakings Entrusted by the Medical and Social Affairs Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, the Medical Association of the High-tech Zone developed a technical review plan for administrative licensing matters of medical institutions in the Chengdu High-tech Zone. On the afternoon of June 2, 2017, the blood of a hospital The dialysis room is certified to conduct on-site inspection and acceptance.

    On-site review activities were supervised by Mr. Wu Bosheng, the Health Planning Division of the Social Undertaking Bureau of the Chengdu High-tech Zone. The Secretariat of the High-tech Zone Medical Association participated in the organization. Teacher Lin, formed a team of review experts. At the scene, the three experts conducted detailed examination and acceptance of the hospital's hemodialysis room, and made valuable suggestions to promote the hospital's further standardized construction and management.