Notice of the academic conference on rational clinical application and fine management of antibacterial drugs
Author:管理员  Addtime:2018-07-17

Notice of the academic conference on rational clinical application and fine management of antibacterial drugs

Medical institutions:

       In order to further promote and regulate the rational use and management of antimicrobial drugs, the academic conference on "Clinical Rational Application and Refined Management of Antimicrobial Drugs" hosted by the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association and hosted by Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital (West China Shangjin Hospital) was held in 2018 Held in Chengdu on May 19, 2014, the relevant matters of the meeting are now notified as follows:

1. Meeting time

Registration on May 19, 2018 from 8:00 to 9:00, and full day meeting from 9:00 to 17:00.

Second, the meeting place

Tianyi International Hotel, Chengdu (Address: Next to Hongpailou Subway Station, No. 8 Shuangnan Biyun Road, Chengdu).

3. The theme of the meeting

Focusing on the theme of “Clinical Rational Application and Fine Management of Antibacterial Drugs”, the meeting invited directors Xu Jian, Yu Botao, Luo Lin, Feng Xiaorong, Xiao Guirong, and Li Tianping to serve as speakers and moderators of Lectures and discussions on drug management, internal medicine antibacterial drugs, and rational use of antibacterial drugs during the perioperative period.

4. Participants

Pharmacy personnel, management personnel, clinicians, nurses and other medical personnel in relevant units in Sichuan Province.

V. Conference expenses

Participants do not need to pay conference fees. During the meeting, meals are arranged uniformly, and transportation and accommodation expenses are paid by themselves.

6. Credits awarded

All registered delegates can get one point of class II continuing medical education credits.

7. Other matters

Participants are requested to send the return receipt to the conference group email address by May 1st:

8. Meeting Contact

Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital / Huaxi Hospital Shangjin Hospital Pan Yaqin: 1828064302 Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association Men Xinyu: 184823170

Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association

March 18, 2018