End the battle, go all out!
Author:质控  Addtime:2019-07-16

    On July 6, 2019, a total of 21 experts from the two expert groups of the general inspection work on a total of 4 medical treatments including Chengdu Hi-tech Tianren Qingke Hospital, Chengdu Eighth Department Medical Aesthetic Hospital, Chengdu Hi-tech Youkang Hospital, Chengdu Hi-tech Helson Hospital, etc. The organization carried out five special inspections of "medical service quality, pharmaceutical management, sensory control management, nursing quality supervision and inspection quality control".

The first group of experts conducted a special inspection in the morning at Chengdu Hi-tech Tianren Qingke Hospital






The second group of experts conducted a special inspection in the morning at Chengdu Hi-tech Youkang Hospital

    The inspection work officially entered the final stage. For the inspection work on the last day, the Department of Health and Wealth expressed high attention. Tian Wenhong, deputy director and teacher Wu Bosheng followed up the whole process and supervised the inspection work. During the inspection process, the questions raised by the experts were directly crucial, and according to the problems, executable solutions were given. Various institutions have expressed that they are a learning and improvement process for themselves.



The first group of experts carried out a special inspection in the medical and aesthetic hospital of Chengdu Bada in the afternoon

The second group of experts carried out special inspection work in the Chengdu Hi-Tech Helson Hospital in the afternoon

    The four-day inspection will come to an end. However, the health of the high-tech zone will never stop. The next work will focus on problems, further implement rectification, strengthen medical quality management, promote the development of high-quality medical quality, and serve the people. Provide better service.