Chengdu Hi-tech Zone conducts technical review of administrative licensing of medical laboratory
Author:质控  Addtime:2019-12-13

    According to the work arrangement of the Health Development Department of the Community Development Governance and Social Undertakings Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, the Social Affairs Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone entrusted the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association to organize provincial and municipal review experts to review the Chengdu Shengyuan Medicine in the afternoon on November 8, 2019 The inspection laboratory conducts technical review of administrative licensing.

  The Medical Association of Chengdu High-tech Zone has formulated a work plan for the technical review of administrative licensing of medical laboratory in accordance with the requirements of the review of administrative licensing of medical laboratory. The on-site assessment work was supervised by Yang Haifeng, a teacher from the Department of Health and Development of the Community Development Governance and Social Undertaking Bureau of the High-tech Zone, and the Secretariat of the High-tech Zone Medical Association participated in the organization and coordination. The expert reviewer for administrative license is composed of Song Guoying, the First People's Hospital of Chengdu, and Wang Jun, recommended by Shangjinnanfu Hospital in West China.

   At the site, the two experts conducted detailed review and acceptance of the organization's zoning layout, personnel qualifications, facilities and equipment, medical waste management, biological safety, and system construction. Institutions have further standardized construction and management and played a guiding and helping role.