Chengdu High-tech Zone conducts on-site review of architectural design drawings of medical institutions
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-01-16

    According to the work arrangement of the Health Development Department of the Community Development Governance and Social Undertaking Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, the Chengdu High-tech Zone Social Undertaking Bureau entrusted the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association to organize provincial and municipal review experts in the Chengdu High-tech Zone Management Committee on the afternoon of January 16, 2020. The 845 office on the 8th floor of the meeting conducted an on-site review of the graphic design drawings of the two medical institutions in the area.  

    According to the relevant requirements of the design and layout of medical institutions, a review plan was formulated. The on-site auditing work was supervised by Wu Bosheng, the health development department of the Community Development Governance and Social Undertaking Bureau of the High-tech Zone, and the Quality Control Service Center of the High-tech Zone participated in the organization and coordination. Interview experts are composed of Lu Jie of Sichuan Provincial Health Supervision and Enforcement Corps and Huang Lan of Chengdu First People's Hospital.

    At the meeting site, the two experts conducted a detailed review of the plan drawings of the department ’s building area, design layout, process, etc., and put forward valuable suggestions and opinions, which provided guidance and guidance for the organization ’s standardized and rational construction and management. Help meaning.