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High-tech Zone Medical Association Hospital Infection Management Professional Committee launches 2019 hand hygiene activities
Author:管理员  Addtime:2019-05-10


Through the hospital full-time and part-time staff to demonstrate the "six-step hand washing method" to patients and their families, teach everyone to memorize hand washing tips and use fluorescent monitoring equipment to promote hand washing effects. In addition, with the strong support of 3M Company, hand hygiene games such as “seven-step finger pressure plate”, “seven-step handwashing method” sequence matching, “sterilization” darts and other hand hygiene games were launched on site. A gift. The atmosphere at the scene was very active at one time, allowing everyone to deeply understand the concepts of hand hygiene and hand washing methods while playing the game.The event lasted for a total of 2 hours. About 1200 patients, family members, companions, and medical staff from various medical institutions in the high-tech zone participated. More than 200 demonstrations on hand washing were provided on the spot, and 1200 hand hygiene brochures were distributed to patients and their families. Everyone said that this year's hand hygiene activities are rich in content and innovative, especially patients and their families are actively involved in learning the correct hand washing method, and have said that this will greatly help their health in life. This event is rich in content, with high participation of medical staff, patients, and family members, let everyone understand the importance of hand hygiene and hand washing methods, received unanimous praise from the participants, and reached the expected goal of hand hygiene activities.