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Discussion of the Supplementary Committee of the Nephrology Special Committee of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association and vascular access, chronic kidney disease management and rehabilitation of kidney disease
Author:管理员  Addtime:2019-09-07


On the evening of September 7, 2019, the Nephrology Committee of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association held a supplementary meeting of members at the Chengdu Medical College. At the same time, the founding meeting of the vascular access and chronic kidney disease management and kidney disease rehabilitation group were held respectively. Nearly 152 experts and scholars from kidney disease research and medical institutions participated in the meeting.


The Nephrology Special Committee of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association was increased from the 48 members at the time of its establishment to 71. The number of additional members has been strictly discussed in accordance with the procedures stipulated in the "Administrative Measures for Secondary Academic Organizations" of the High-tech Zone Medical Association. Twenty-three members were elected under strict organizational procedures, and 20 standing members and five vice-chairmen were elected according to the number of members.


After the supplementary meeting of the special committee, the "vascular accessology group" and the "chronic kidney disease management and kidney disease rehabilitation group" were established respectively. The vascular accessology group is headed by Deng Fei, and the chronic kidney disease management and kidney disease rehabilitation group is headed by Wang Li.


The successful convening of this meeting will definitely promote the development of kidney disease treatment and research in Chengdu High-tech Zone. The idea of "Strengthen the grassroots level and promote transformation" will be further implemented, and it will definitely promote the development of the health care industry in the high-tech zone.
