Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association Cardiac Function Special Committee 2019 Annual Working Conference Held Successfully
Author:管理员  Addtime:2019-12-17

On December 14, 2019, the annual work meeting of the Heart Function Special Committee of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association was successfully held in the conference room of the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association, and 22 standing members of the Special Committee participated in this meeting.


The meeting was chaired by Comrade Tang Xiurong, member and secretary. Minister Hou officially announced the start of the meeting after naming the attendees.

Chairman Qin Dimao reported on the special committee's 2019 work summary and 2020 work plan. He mentioned that in the past year, from the preparation to the successful organization of the first committee, the Standing Committee and various academic conferences, these cordial care with the leaders of the Medical Association and the strong support of each standing committee Inseparable. In the future development, we must continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad, inside and outside the industry, introduce more advanced concepts and experience, strengthen the connection between the special committee and scientific research institutions, and under the leadership of the Medical Association, we will not forget our original intentions and remember the mission. , Strengthen the grass-roots level, promote development, and make the Heart Function Committee go to the next level.

Minister Hou Jun mentioned that the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clarified the line of building a healthy China. Under this background, it is very important to further strengthen cooperation between Sichuan and Chongqing. Through the joint establishment of the Southwest Heart Function Alliance, the Cardiac Function Medicine Basic Research Support Program, and international scientific and technological cooperation, we should explore and carry out pragmatic cooperation in basic research projects, innovation platform construction, etc. to comprehensively promote Sichuan and Chongqing's cardiac functional medicine. Research level up the stairs. It is hoped that by organizing a series of activities such as the Southwest Region Cardiac Function Medicine Forum, Sichuan and Chongqing Cardiac Function Doctors will build more and better communication channels and cooperation platforms.

Subsequently, the Standing Committee members put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on the 2019 work report, the 2020 academic annual meeting plan, the scientific research work plan, the continuing education project work plan, and the grassroots and poverty alleviation work. At the same time, in order to strengthen the Party's leadership over academic organizations, the Party Working Group of the Heart Function Special Committee was established in accordance with the requirements of the Party Branch of the Medical Association.

Secretary He Yuliang expressed his strong support for the work of the party ’s working group. He said: The development of the special committee must always be based on high technology and face Sichuan, and hope that the professional committee will promote the construction of the primary health system in Chengdu ’s high-tech zone, academic prosperity, and scientific research New steps.

In the end, Honorary Chairman Lin Jiadi summed up the meeting. He proposed that the current cardiac function committee is developing in an orderly manner. The active development of academic activities and scientific research activities is also conducive to the professional promotion of primary medical staff.

The convening of this working meeting gave a detailed introduction to the future work content and target direction of the special committee. All members of the cardiac function special committee will continue to improve their professionalism under the leadership of the medical society and the special committee. Accomplishment and academic level contribute to the development of the heart function major.