Regulations on the Education and Management of the Communist Party of China
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-05-12

Chapter One General Provisions

    Article 1 In order to further study and implement Xi Jinping's new era socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the education and management of party members, improve the quality of party member construction, and maintain the advancedness and purity of the party member team, according to the "Articles of Association of the Communist Party of China" and relevant party regulations Make these regulations.

    Article 2 The education and management of party members is the basic and regular work of party building. Party organizations should strengthen the education and management of party members, guide party members to strengthen the communist ideals and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two maintenances", strengthen the party spirit and improve the quality , Conscientiously perform their obligations, exercise their rights correctly, and give full play to their exemplary role as pioneers.

    Article 3 The education and management of party members are guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents", the scientific development concept, and Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The party's organizational line in the new era, adhere to the combination of education, management, supervision and service, promote the institutionalization of the normalization of "two studies and one do" learning education, continuously enhance the targeted and effective education and management of party members, and strive to build political qualifications and enforce discipline A contingent of qualified and qualified party members.

    Article 4 The education and management of party members shall follow the following principles:

    (1) Adhere to the party's need to manage the party, comprehensively and strictly govern the party, implement strict requirements into the entire process and all aspects of the education and management of party members, and leading cadres of party members take the lead in accepting education management;

    (2) Adhere to the party's political construction as the guide, highlight party spirit education and political theory education, and guide party members to abide by the party rules and regulations and party discipline, and do not forget the original intention and remember the mission;

    (3) Adhere to the center and serve the overall situation, pay attention to the quality and effectiveness of the education and management of party members, and ensure the implementation of the party's theories, lines, policies, and decisions of the party central committee;

    (4) Persist in proceeding from reality, strengthen classified guidance, respect the party member's dominant position, and give full play to the role of the party branch in direct education, management, and supervision of party members.

Chapter 2 Learn and implement Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era

    Article 5 Arming the whole party with Xi Jinping's new era socialism ideology with Chinese characteristics as the primary political task of party member education and management, guiding party members to fully understand the great significance of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era Chinese ideology socialist ideology, and consciously learn to understand .

    Article 6 Organize party members to read the original text, learn the original text, and understand the principles, thoroughly study and understand the core essence, basic spirit, and practical requirements of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, master the Marxist standpoints and methods that run through them, and enhance political consciousness and theory. Self-confidence and emotional integration. Establish a party member education textbook system centered on studying and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Education guides party members to closely integrate the study of Xi Jinping's new era socialism with Chinese characteristics and the study of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents", and the scientific concept of development, and constantly improves Marxist ideological awareness and theoretical level.

    Article 7 Adhere to the combination of centralized education and regular education, organize training and individual self-study, adopt centralized rotation training, party committee (party group) theoretical learning center group learning, theoretical publicity, organizational life, online learning training and other methods to form Xi Jinping The long-term mechanism for studying and educating the socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the times has promoted the deep understanding of party members and their minds.

    Article 8 Promote the Marxist style of study that combines theory with practice, guide party members to put themselves in, put their responsibilities in, and put their work in, learn to apply, unite knowledge and practice, improve political positions, strengthen responsibility, and strengthen their skills. Do a good job in your own job and consciously become a firm believer and loyal practitioner of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Party members and leading cadres should adhere to higher standards and stricter requirements, comprehensively, systematically, through-learning, in-depth learning, and follow-up learning, consciously used to arm their minds, guide practice, promote work, and play a leading role in demonstration.

Chapter III Basic Tasks of Party Member Education

    Article 9 Strengthen the education of political theory, highlight the study of the party's innovative theory, organize party members to learn the party's basic theories, basic lines, and basic strategies, learn the basic principles of Marxism and the party's basic knowledge, guide party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and enhance party spirit cultivation, Try to master and consciously apply Marxist standpoints and methods.

    Article 10 Emphasize political education and political training, strictly exercise the political life within the party, educate party members to speak clearly about politics, improve political consciousness and political ability, strictly observe political discipline and political rules, maintain the political qualities of the Communists, and achieve "four obediences" "Ideologically and politically, it is highly consistent with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core.

    Article 11 Strengthen the education of party regulations, party regulations and party discipline, guide party members to remember the oath of the party, adhere to the standards of qualified party members, consciously abide by the party's discipline, take the lead in practicing socialist core values, cultivate noble moral sentiments, cultivate good ideological style, style of study, work style , Life style and family style. Strengthen the education of the constitutional laws and regulations, and guide party members to respect the law and abide by the law.

    Article 12 Strengthen the education of the party's purpose, guide party members to practice the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, implement the party's mass line, improve the masses' work skills, and closely serve the masses.

    Article 13 Conduct revolutionary traditional education, guide party members to learn the history of the party, the history of the country, the history of reform and opening up, the history of socialist development, and China ’s excellent traditional culture, bear in mind the struggle of the party, promote the party ’s fine traditions, inherit the red genes, and practice the Communist Party Human values stimulate patriotism.

    Article 14 Carry out situation and policy education, focus on the implementation of major decisions of the party and the state, and promote the implementation of major tasks, preach the party's line, principles and policies, interpret world conditions, national conditions and party conditions, respond to the concerns of party members, guide party members to correctly understand the situation, Harmony and action are unified to the requirements of the Party Central Committee.

    Article 15 Focus on knowledge and skills education, organize and guide party members to learn and master business knowledge, scientific and technological knowledge, practical technology, etc. according to the job responsibilities and job needs of party members, to help party members improve their comprehensive qualities and performance abilities, and enhance their service skills.

Chapter IV Main Methods of Daily Education and Management of Party Members

    Article 16 The party branch shall use the "three meetings and one lesson" system to conduct regular education and management of party members. Party members should attend party members' meetings, party group meetings, and take party lessons on a regular basis, conduct study and exchanges, and report on their ideology and work. Party members and leading cadres should participate in dual organizational life.

The party branch should carry out the theme party day once a month, close to the party members' ideology and work practice, organize party members to concentrate on learning, live an organizational life, conduct democratic deliberations, and carry out voluntary services.

    Party members should pay party fees on schedule. Party organizations should do a good job of collecting, using and managing party fees.

    Article 17 The Party Branch shall convene at least one organization life meeting every year, or it may be convened at any time according to the needs of the work, generally in the form of a party member meeting, a party branch committee meeting, or a party group meeting.

    Article 18  Party branches generally conduct democratic evaluation of party members once a year. The party branch convenes a party member meeting and organizes party members for evaluation in accordance with the procedures of personal self-evaluation, party member mutual assessment, and democratic evaluation. The meeting of the Party branch committee or the general meeting of party members shall make assessment opinions based on the evaluation and the daily performance of the party members.

Democratic party members can be combined with the organization of life meetings.

    Article 19  Grass-roots party organizations should pay attention to analyzing the ideological and psychological state of party members, and the person in charge of party organizations should always talk with party members and do ideological and political work in a targeted manner.

    Article 20 The municipal and county party committees or grass-roots party committees shall organize party members to carry out concentrated rotation training, mainly relying on county-level party schools (administrative schools) and grass-roots party schools. According to the career development and the key tasks of party building, combined with the work of the center of the unit in the local area and the actual situation of party members, determine the training content and methods. Party members generally concentrate on studying and training for no less than 32 hours per year.

    Article 21 The party organization shall organize party members to seriously participate in the party's centralized learning and education in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee's deployment, and guide party members to study the party's innovative theories around the theme of learning and education, and find and solve outstanding problems.

Provincial party committees and party organizations in the industry system can carry out special study and education in a timely manner according to the ideological status of party members and the needs of party building.

    Article 22 Party organizations should give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, combine with the actual situation of party members of different groups, establish and learn from the role models around them, establish party member demonstration posts, party member responsibility areas, carry out post establishment duties, promises and pledges, etc. to guide Party members do their jobs well, do their jobs well, stay ahead of others, strive for excellence, be courageous in acting in contact with the masses, and accomplish major tasks. come out.

Encourage and guide party members to participate in volunteer services. Party members should actively participate in voluntary service activities carried out by party organizations, or they can carry out voluntary service activities on their own.

    Article 23 The party organization shall adhere to the unity of strict education and management and passionate care and love, and encourage and support the party members in politics, ideology, work, and life.

According to the actual conditions of the old party members, such as their health, residence and family, they adopt flexible methods to provide education and management services, organize them to participate in the party's organizational life, and play their best. There is no hard requirement to organize activities and carry out learning and education for party members who are frail, disabled, seriously ill or even disabled. Party organizations give more care and attention by sending them to school and visiting sympathy.

Chapter V Party Membership and Party Member Organization Relationship Management

    Article 24. The reserve party members approved by the Party Branch Party Assembly and approved by the grass-roots Party Committee shall obtain party membership from the date of adoption.

Party members who have gone abroad for private reasons and have long-term residence abroad have not been returned to the Party members who have not returned for more than 5 years after studying abroad. The decision to suspend party membership is made by the party organization that retains its organizational relationship in accordance with relevant regulations.

Party members who have lost contact with the party organization for more than 6 months and searched for party members who have not yet obtained contact through various methods shall be suspended. The decision to suspend party membership shall be made by the party branch or higher-level party organization in accordance with relevant regulations. If after 2 years of cessation of party membership, it is indeed impossible to get in touch, the party shall be removed from the party in accordance with its disqualification.

    Party members who have ceased party membership can meet the requirements to restore party membership in accordance with the prescribed procedures. Those who persuade them to withdraw from the party, persuade without removing the party, voluntarily remove the party from the party, withdraw the party from the party, and expel the party from the party cannot, in principle, restore their party membership.

    Article 25 The relationship between party members and organizations refers to the membership of party members to the party's grassroots organizations.

    Each party member must be incorporated into a party branch, group, or other specific organization. Party members who have fixed work units and whose units have established party organizations are generally incorporated into the party organizations of their units. Party members who do not have a fixed work unit, or whose unit does not have a party organization, are generally incorporated into their party organizations such as their place of regular residence or public employment and talent service institutions, parks, and buildings.

    If the party member ’s work unit or place of usual residence changes, or if he has been out of school, working or living for more than 6 months and the place is relatively fixed, the organization relationship shall be transferred. Basic-level party committees with the authority to approve and reserve party members can directly transfer and receive party member organizational relationships across the country. When the party organization receives the party member organization relationship, if necessary, it may take appropriate measures to check the party member files. For party members who have transferred out their organizational relationship but have not yet been accepted, the original party organization still has the management responsibility. The party organization shall not refuse to transfer the party member organization relationship for no reason.

    Article 26 For party members without personnel files, the grass-roots party committees with the authority to approve and reserve party members shall establish party member archives, which shall be kept by the party committee they belong to or the party committee organization department at or above the county level.

    Where conditions permit, electronic management of party member files is implemented.

Chapter Six: Party Member Supervision and Organizational Disposal

    Article 27 Party organizations should supervise the compliance of party members with party rules, party disciplines, especially political disciplines and political rules, and the constitutional laws, regulations and ethics by strictly organizing life, listening to the opinions of the masses, and inspecting the work of party members. Participate in the life of the organization, fulfill the obligations of party members, contact and serve the masses, and play an exemplary role in the vanguard.

    Article 28 If party members are found to have budding tendencies in ideology, work, life, style and discipline, and the masses have bad reactions to them, the person in charge of the party organization shall promptly remind the conversation, catch early and prevent .

    Article 29 Party members who do not participate in the party's organizational life in accordance with the regulations, do not pay party fees on time, move to work and live outside the country do not actively maintain contact with the party organization, and have other behaviors that are inconsistent with the party's requirements and have less serious circumstances Party organizations should adopt appropriate methods to carry out critical education in a timely manner to help them improve and improve.

    Article 30 For party members who lack revolutionary will, do not fulfill their obligations as party members, and do not meet the requirements for party members, but they can correctly understand errors, are willing to accept education and management, and are determined to make corrections, the party organization shall make corrections within a time limit. The time limit for corrections shall not exceed 1 year. . Party members who have been given corrective actions within a time limit shall take measures to help education.

    Article 31 If a party member has one of the following circumstances, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the prescribed procedures:

    (1) If ideals and beliefs are missing, political positions are shaken, and the conditions for party members have been lost, they shall be delisted;

    (2) Those who believe in religion and have not changed their education with the help of party organizations, persuade them to withdraw from the party, and those who do not withdraw will be delisted;

    (3) To withdraw from the Party due to ideological decay, who still insists on withdrawing from the Party after education shall be delisted;

    (4) To threaten to withdraw from the party in order to achieve personal goals, those who have not been educated should be persuaded to withdraw from the party, and those without persuasion should be delisted;

    (5) If there is no change after the expiration of the correction within the time limit, persuade him to quit the party, and persuade him not to withdraw;

    (6) Without justification, if he does not participate in the party's organizational life for six consecutive months, or does not pay party fees, or does not do the work assigned by the party, he shall be removed from his party if he leaves the party.

Party members who violate party disciplines shall be given disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the "Regulations on the Disciplinary Measures of the Communist Party of China."

Chapter VII Management of Mobile Party Members

    Article 32: Grass-roots party organizations should strengthen the management of mobile party members. Mobile party members who have been out for more than 6 months and have not transferred their organizational relationship should keep in constant contact and follow up on education, training, and management services. Where mobile party members are relatively concentrated, outflow party organizations can establish mobile party member organizations based on parks, chambers of commerce, industry associations, and offices abroad.

    The inflow party organization should assist in the daily management of mobile party members. According to the way in which one party of the organizational relationship is affiliated and participates in multiple organizational life, the members of the organization mobile party will participate in the organizational life in the nearest place. Party and group service centers such as towns, streets, villages, communities, and parks should be open to mobile party members. Mobile party members can participate in democratic evaluations at the inflow party organization or mobile party member organization.

For mobile party members who have the conditions to transfer organizational relationships, the outflow and inflow party organizations should be connected to do the transfer work well.

    Article 33 The rural party branch shall clearly appoint a special person to maintain contact with mobile party members. Township party committees should master the basic situation of mobile party members, guide and urge party branches to strengthen daily education and management. Take advantage of opportunities such as the centralized return of mobile party members to organize their participation in organized life or education and training. Mobile party members with good political quality and the ability to become rich and rich should be included in the cultivation of village reserve forces in a timely manner.

    The urban community party organization guides the mobile party members living in different places to report to the party organization of the place of residence, consciously participates in the activities of the party organization of the place of residence, and accepts the management of the party organization. Guide and help party members who have settled in different places to transfer their organizational relationships in a timely manner.

    Party organizations of public employment and talent service organizations should establish and improve the party organization of mobile talent party members, straighten out the organizational relationship of party members of mobile talents, and strengthen and improve the daily education and management of party members of mobile talents.

    Article 34 The university party organization shall continue to perform its management duties for mobile party members of university graduates whose organizational relationship remains in the school. The retention time of the party member organization relationship is generally not more than 2 years, and the timely transfer out in accordance with the conditions for the transfer out of the organization relationship.

    For party members who study abroad and study abroad, the party organization of the original college or work unit retains its organizational relationship and contacts it at least once every six months. After returning from abroad (boundary) to study and study, Party members will resume their organizational life in accordance with regulations.

Chapter VIII Informationization of Party Member Education Management

    Article 35: To adapt to the requirements of the development of the times, make full use of Internet technology and informatization methods, improve the education and management of party members, promote the deep integration of the traditional advantages of grassroots party building and information technology, and continuously improve the modernization of party member education and management.

    Article 36 Overall planning and integration of resources, improvement of the party member information database, strengthening the construction of the national party member management information system, promoting the innovation and development of modern long-distance education of party members and cadres and the electrification of party members, and promoting the integration of party member education management websites and mobile clients To build, establish an online platform for party spirit education bases, and create an online position where party affairs, government affairs, and services are organically integrated.

    Article 37 Adhere to the combination of online and offline, relying on the party member education management information platform, carry out party member information management, party organization activity guidance management, mobile party member management services, development of party member management and party fee management and other business applications to provide party members with Services such as online learning and training, transfer of organizational relationships, participation in party affairs and care and assistance.

    Pay attention to the use of information and data, analyze and judge the status of party members and education and management of party members in real time, find problems in time, and continuously improve the work.

    Article 38: Party members should take the initiative to learn how to use the Internet, rely on various party member education and management information platforms, actively participate in online learning and training, seriously participate in the activities of party organizations, and consciously accept the education and management of party organizations. Promote the party's theory, line, principles, and policies to the masses through the Internet, listen to the masses' opinions, and connect to serve the masses.

Party organizations should educate and guide party members to strictly regulate online behaviors, dare to fight against wrong online comments, and must not produce, publish, or disseminate information content that violates the party's disciplinary regulations and national laws and regulations.

Chapter Nine Organizational leadership and job security

    Article 39 Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee, led by the Central Organization Department, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Central Supervision Department, the Central Propaganda Department, the Central Party School (National School of Administration), the Central and State Organs Working Committee, the Party Group of the Ministry of Education, and the SASAC of the State Council Party committees and other parties participated in the establishment of a national party member education and management coordination group, which is responsible for the planning, deployment, organization, coordination, inspection and guidance of party member education and management nationwide. The office of the coordination group is located in the Central Organization Department. Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall establish a coordination mechanism for the education and management of party members. Establish and improve the operation mechanism of the party member education management work coordination mechanism, and give full play to the functional role.

    The Central Organization Department is mainly responsible for the overall coordination of the education and management of party members, grasping the organizational arrangements for the centralized education and regular education of party members, and strengthening the specific guidance for the education and management of party members.

    The National Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is mainly responsible for the education of party members' discipline and style, guides the supervision of party members, and investigates and punishes party members for violating the party's discipline, office violations, and office crimes.

The Central Propaganda Department is mainly responsible for the education of party members' political theory and situation policies, guides and coordinates the preparation of teaching materials for party members, and organizes the study and promotion of advanced and typical party members.

    The Central Party School (National School of Administration) is mainly responsible for the training of party members and leading cadres, and instructs local party schools (Administration School) to include party member education and training in the teaching plan to ensure class hours and teaching quality.

    The work committees of the central and state organs are mainly responsible for guiding the party organizations of the central and state organs at all levels to do a good job in the education and management of party members.

The party group of the Ministry of Education is mainly responsible for the macro guidance of the education and management of party members in colleges and universities.

    The Party Committee of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council is mainly responsible for the education and management of party members of the enterprises under supervision.

    The organization department of the local party committees at all levels and the disciplinary inspection and supervision organ, the party committee propaganda department, the party school (administrative college), the organ working committee, the education working committee, the SASAC party committee, etc., respectively undertake the task of education and management of party members according to their functional responsibilities.

    Article 40 Local party committees at all levels and party units (party committees) at all levels lead the education and management of party members in their own departments and units in the region, implement the policies and deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee on the education and management of party members, and regularly study the education and management of party members. Analyze the status of the party members and propose work measures in a targeted manner.

The grass-roots party committees fulfill the basic responsibilities of grasping the education and management of party members, promote the implementation of higher-level party organization work arrangements, organize the work of centralized training of party members, organization relationship management, commendation and incentives, care and assistance, organizational disposal, disciplinary punishment, etc., and guide the party branches under their jurisdiction Do a good job in the daily education and management of party members. Party branches perform relevant work responsibilities in accordance with the Party Constitution and relevant regulations within the Party. The party group should implement the requirements and tasks of the party branch regarding the education and management of party members.

    Article 41 The grass-roots party committees of towns, subdistricts, state-owned enterprises, and colleges and universities shall be equipped with a certain number of full-time and part-time organizers in accordance with the regulations. The party committees and organizations at and above the county level shall conduct business guidance and management, and undertake to supervise the development of party members and party members. Management and other work.

Implement the appointment system of party member education lecturers. Party committees above the county level select party lecturer education lecturers from excellent party school teachers, grassroots party organization secretaries, advanced model figures, party affairs workers, experts and scholars, practical technical personnel, retired cadres and other personnel.

Strengthen the construction of county-level party schools (administrative schools) and grassroots party schools. County-level party schools (administrative schools) should make the centralized training of party members an important task. Organize and arrange party member education lecturers to give lectures at the grassroots level. Pay attention to the role of the party and mass service center, the party member and cadre education and training base, and the new era civilization practice center.

Strengthen the national party member education and training materials construction planning, organize the compilation of national party member education basic teaching materials. All localities, departments, and units can develop practical and practical teaching materials for party members in accordance with actual conditions.

    Article 42 The funds for the education and management of party members shall be included in the local budgets at all levels, and allocated according to the number of party members in accordance with the actual situation. Carry out education and management of party members and form a stable funding guarantee mechanism. The party fees retained by party committees at all levels are mainly used to educate and train party members and support grassroots party organizations to carry out organizational life. Strengthen financial support for the education and management of party members in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic areas, border areas, and poor areas.

    Article 43 Party committees and party groups at all levels shall strengthen the inspection and assessment of the education and management of party members. The grass-roots party committee regards the education and management of party members as an important part of reporting to higher-level party organizations every year. In the appraisal and appraisal of the work of grassroots party building work, the person in charge of the party organization made an evaluation of the work of the education and management of the party members. The higher-level party organizations should evaluate and inspect the education and management of the party members of the lower-level party organizations during the annual assessment and term assessment.

Those who fail to perform their duties and responsibilities in the education and management of party members shall be held accountable and held accountable in accordance with relevant regulations.

Chapter Ten Supplementary Provisions

    Article 44  Regulations on the education and management of party members of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission in accordance with these Regulations.

    Article 45  The Central Organization Department is responsible for the interpretation of these regulations.

    Article 46 These regulations shall come into force on May 6, 2019.