Send a page of book fragrance to read infinite scenery | Send you "A place not far from love"
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-06-07


Whether it is family, love or friendship, as long as it is a relationship that can continue, it must be in a place not far from love.

—BY Yin Mei "A Place Not Far from Love"

TO Dear Member Unit:

       Send a sincere friendship and share a good book.

      Before June 15, 2020, each member unit will come to Room 208 of the Medical Association, and you will receive two copies of Yin Mei's "A Place Not Far from Love" and "Being a Medical Doctor with Human Feelings". The doctor's heart is inspired by the pursuit of sincere humanistic care in social life.

        Contact: Teacher Cao

        Telephone: 69990152

        I look forward to your coming to retrieve this book fragrance.