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It's coming to an end, winter sickness and summer treatment must be done!
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-08-15

Today is the end of the fall. Have you not started the winter sickness and summer treatment?

End of the day: August 15-August 24

The editor is here to popularize science for everyone "Treatment of winter diseases in summer"

The treatment principle of winter disease and summer treatment

(1) The role of the prescription: the acupoint application of traditional Chinese medicine spreads through the divergence of the medicine, and penetrates into the skin with the help of acupoints, and absorbs the medicine with the help of various points.

(2) The role of meridians and acupoints: the conduction and adjustment of meridians and collaterals can correct the excessive or declining yin and yang of the viscera to achieve the purpose of expelling evil and strengthening the body

(3) Solar term effect: "Heat is in the dormant", apply patch therapy in the dormant day, the mechanism reflects the "spring and summer nourishing yang", enriching the body's true vitality, maintaining the body's yin and yang balance, and adapting to the changes in nature to gain man and nature Unity.

Benefits of sanfu stickers

During the dog days, the acupoints of the medicinal meridians are applied from the outside to the inside, and the internal organs follow the meridians to regulate the blood, yin and yang, which not only achieves the purpose of preventing and curing diseases, but also regulates the body’s immunity and enhances the body’s disease resistance. The role of treatment.

Daily precautions during dog days

Unbalanced diet

Many people don’t like to eat because of the hot weather, so they simply eat some fruits and vegetables. Although the fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients, the local area cannot meet the nutritional needs of the human body. For example, the common protein cannot meet the needs of the human body. Heat affects the balance of diet.

Air conditioning cold wind blowing

Many people choose to let the cold air of the air conditioner blow directly to themselves for the pursuit of coolness. It feels cool, but the health is lost. Therefore, when we blow the air conditioner, we try to let the cold air outlet blow upwards, which makes it easier to improve the cooling efficiency. It also guarantees health.

Cow drink

A lot of water will be lost in summer, which will cause a strong sense of thirst. Many people choose to drink cows to replenish water in time. They do not know that this will quickly reduce blood viscosity and increase the burden on the heart, especially for those with heart problems. It's dangerous for people.

Eat plenty of cold drinks

 Cold drinks are indeed very effective in cooling the body, and the taste is very good, so they have won the favor of many people. They are not tired of this, and they can’t leave their hands. They don’t know that large amounts of cold drinks can cause gastric mucosal vasoconstriction, affect digestion, and even cause stomach Department of disease.

Drink beverages to rehydrate

Although the drink tastes good, it does not quench thirst. Instead, it aggravates the feeling of thirst. The drink contains a lot of sugar, which will aggravate the lack of water in the human body. Plain boiled water is still the best drink during the dog days.

Not taking a nap

During the dog days, the weather is relatively hot, and people generally sleep late at night. Therefore, this period of noon is particularly precious. Taking a nap at noon for half an hour will make you more energetic in the afternoon, which is also good for health. Very useful.