Serving primary medical institutions to help high-quality development of primary health
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-11-13

——Special lectures on preparing for grade hospital review and improving connotative quality

In accordance with the work policy of “Strengthening the Grassroots and Promoting Transformation”, the Chengdu High-tech Medical Association will give full play to the role of bridges and belts serving the grassroots medical and health institutions, and under the guidance of the ideological guidance of deepening the construction of high-quality development of grassroots health, November 10, 2020 In the afternoon of the same day, the Third People's Hospital of the Eastern New District of Chengdu jointly organized a special lecture on "Preparation for Grade Hospital Review. Improving Connotation Quality Level"

The meeting was held in the large conference room of the Third People's Hospital of Chengdu East New District, and was chaired by Ai He, Deputy Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. The society takes the upgrading of hospitals to meet the standards as the starting point to help grassroots hospitals "promote construction with evaluation" and "promote reform with evaluation". Zhao Cong, secretary of the Party Committee of Chengdu First People's Hospital, was invited to give a special lecture on "Preparing for Grade Hospital Review. Improving Connotation Quality Level".

At the symposium, Secretary Zhao started from the perspective of hospital management, from the historical and practical requirements of hospital review, review standard implementation rules and laws and regulations, the main points and cores of the new round of hospital review, as well as understanding and preparing for review from a management perspective. A wonderful speech was made in several aspects. Finally, Huang Yulan, the president of the Third Hospital of Chengdu East New District, made a concluding speech. The special training meeting was accompanied by Vice President Luo Jun of Chengdu First People's Hospital and a number of key personnel from various departments of the hospital.

Through this special guidance to the third hospital in Chengdu Eastern New District, it will promote the hospital to work hard, introduce the old and bring forth the new. It will make great efforts in strengthening hospital construction, optimizing hospital management, and improving the level of the team. The grassroots medical service team that the people are satisfied with will continue to improve the service level, and further enhance the people's sense of access and satisfaction with services.



