Strengthen the rectification of the health industry to reduce the burden of medical treatment
Author:质控  Addtime:2020-11-20

        ——Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Quality Control Management Service Center organizes experts to conduct special rectification inspections on outstanding problems in the district's health industry

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the spirit of systematic management of outstanding problems in key industry areas of the provincial and municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Commissioned by the Education, Culture, and Health Bureau, the Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Quality Control Management Service Center organized disciplinary inspections, equipment procurement, and pharmaceutical experts to inspect 3 medical institutions in the high-tech zone on November 19.

The content of this inspection focused on the hotspots, difficulties, focal points, and blockages that the people reported strongly, focusing on "big prescriptions and pan-consumables", and categorized and determined the focus of rectification according to different types of medical institutions. Highlight key units and key departments, and keep an eye on key groups and key positions. Concentrately rectify the unreasonable use of consumables such as abuse, fraudulent use, false record, and wrong record, and unreasonable drug use such as excessive use and unindicated use. Multi-departmental joint, in-depth investigation, severely cracked down on prominent problems such as gold sales, illegal bidding, fraudulent insurance, etc. Tang Yu, director of the Party Affairs Office of Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital, Wu Yan, an expert in medical equipment and equipment from Chengdu First People’s Hospital, and Li Yan, director of the Pharmacy Department of Chengdu Public Clinical Medical Center, were invited to form an expert group to conduct a special project on medical institutions. Remediation inspection.

During the inspection process, the experts selected high-value medical consumables and key monitored drugs in a targeted manner through on-site inspection of information, random inspections of prescription medical records, consumables traceability, and personnel interviews, and conducted strict inspections, and organized the outstanding issues found into an opinion form. As a reference for later health supervision and law enforcement.

Through the implementation of this systematic rectification of outstanding problems in the health industry, the medical service behavior has been further standardized, and the health industry has further changed the political trend, medical treatment for the people, reducing the burden and improving the quality of medical treatment.


