There are a lot of big names,Let's go
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-09-09

           In order to promote the construction and development of the specialties and disciplines related to cardiac function, promote the application of new technologies and telemedicine, improve the level of clinical scientific research in cardiovascular function assessment and diagnosis and treatment at the grass-roots level, and strengthen academic exchanges in the fields related to cardiac function, september 4,2020 -- sponsored by the Chengdu High Tech Medical Association, the Tianfu Cardiac function forum and cardiac function imaging evaluation technical course, jointly organized by the Special Committee on cardiac function of Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, Chengdu First People's Hospital and Chengdu Third People's Hospital, were held in Chengdu, at the same time, the first Chengdu high-tech Medical Association Cardiac Function Youth Committee was established on September 4. As a result of the epidemic prevention and control, according to the higher level request, the Congress has controlled the scale of the meeting appropriately, has about 250 delegates to attend the meeting.


  • The congress was presided over by Chen Xinyun, chairman-designate of the cardiac function committee of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, and Qin Dimao, chairman of the cardiac function committee of the Chengdu high-tech Medical Association, delivered the opening speech, he Yuliang, Vice President and secretary of the Party branch of Chengdu High Tech Medical Association, read out the list of members of the First Youth Committee for cardiac function, and Shen Congwen, vice president of Chengdu First People's Hospital, delivered a speech.

  • In his opening speech, director Qin Dimao mentioned that since the establishment of the Chengdu high-tech Heart Function Special Committee, the Committee has received strong support from leaders and experts from all walks of life. In the future, the special committee will continue to focus on strengthening the grassroots and promoting development, with the focus on leading academic prosperity, we will strengthen the cross-integration of medical workers, closely integrate production, learning and research, and promote the innovative development of the heart function discipline in Sichuan, and strive to build a heart function discipline entrepreneurial system with Chinese characteristics. At the same time, the establishment of the heart function youth committee will build a better academic exchange platform for our heart function professionals, especially young talents, and provide a stage for young scholars to fully display their academic talents. Youth Committee is the cradle of training young academic backbone, through high-quality academic exchanges and cooperation between Chengdu and Chongqing for the development of disciplines and personnel training to provide a better platform. Especially in this extraordinary 2020, the new crown prevention and control combined with peacetime, we will continue to do a good job in medical prevention and academic work, hope heart function professional in the country to get better improvement. Shen Congwen said the conference was a gathering of experts in a strong academic atmosphere. As a national key specialty, the Department of Cardiac function has made outstanding contribution in the application of new technology and new business. The key to the success of future disciplines is to gather a group of technical and academic elites, create a good atmosphere, give full play to creativity, quickly feel the needs of patients, create value and service happily, and contribute to the health of China. Professor Lu Xilie of the first medical center of the 301 Military Hospital, Professor Zhang Mei of the Shandong University Qilu Hospital, Professor Zhong Hangmei of the Xinqiao Hospital of the Army Medical University, Professor Deng Guolan of the First Affiliated Hospital of the Chongqing Medical University, Professor Zhang Qing of the Hwaseo Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Tang Hong, Professor Wang Hongzhi, Professor Huang He, Professor Li Jiangbo, Professor Chen Yucheng, professor Yin Lixue and professor Lin Jiadi of the Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital and other famous experts from the province and abroad made a wonderful academic sharing, covering topics such as electrocardiology, dynamic electrocardiology, pacemaker electrocardiology, cardiac ultrasound medicine, etc. , showing the latest research results and hot spots in the field of electrocardiology at home and abroad, the course content is rich and wonderful, and the atmosphere is warm.

  • At the end of the conference, Director Chen Xinyun delivered a closing speech to announce the successful conclusion of the conference. He thanked all the participants and the Conference Management Team for attending the conference. Although the conference was concluded, exchanges and learning will continue and he looks forward to the next meeting.