To explore new technologies and promote new ideas
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-10-12
  •            In order to popularize new techniques, new products and new ideas of interventional therapy for cancer, to discuss the present situation and development prospect of interventional therapy in multi-disciplinary combined therapy, and to strengthen the research on the related imaging and applied basis of interventional therapy, on September 19,2020, the "Western Intervention Tumor Summit Forum" sponsored by Chengdu high-tech Medical Association was held in Lotus. The conference attracted nearly 60 clinical practitioners. Professor Xu Guohui, Cancer Hospital, School of Medicine, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Institute of Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Professor Mou Wei, Southwest Hospital, Army Medical University, and President Zhou Shi, school of imaging, Guizhou Medical University, delivered the opening speech. At the same time, Professor Xie Ping of the Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences was also invited, professor Liao Zhengyin of Hwaseo Hospital in Sichuan University, Professor Li Qingdong of Cancer Hospital affiliated to Chongqing University, Professor Liu Xiping of Chengdu Third People's Hospital and other experts shared and discussed the related topics, such as the exploration of the combined mechanism of targeted immunity and the selection of second-line drugs for systemic treatment of advanced liver cancer.


  • The development of this conference will help to strengthen multi-regional, cross-regional, multi-inclusive academic exchanges, will help improve the level of clinical tumor intervention, better service for patients.