Exchange collection of experience, strengthen drug management
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-12-14
  • In order to carry out the centralized procurement of drugs in cross-regional alliance according to laws and regulations, and ensure the smooth implementation and practice of the Huimin County project in primary hospitals. On December 10,2020, the symposium on Drug Collection Management and practice sponsored by Chengdu high-tech Medical Association was held online, attracting more than 100 relevant medical workers to watch online.

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  • At the meeting, the vice president of the Dujiangyan City Medical Center, Chen Changli, and the vice president of the Chongzhou People's Hospital, Liu Yanlin, delivered opening speeches, ren Qiang, director of Dujiangyan City Medical Center; Wang Qing, director of Chongzhou Municipal People's Hospital; Zhou Houfeng, Director of Chengdu Fifth People's Hospital; Zhao Yue, director of Chengdu Tianfu New District People's hospital; and Li Lingfang, director of Wenjiang District People's Hospital in Chengdu, gave lectures and actively discussed relevant topics, including "quality and efficacy: The choice of confidence" , "pharmacy outpatient service management" , "continuous improvement of multi-track work division and Cooperation" , and "National Drug Administration and practice and experience discussion and sharing" . The purpose of this seminar is to sum up experience, exchange problems and provide suggestions for the further improvement of the centralized volume purchase scheme of pharmaceuticals. The smooth holding of the seminar not only strengthened the communication of experience of centralized volume purchase of pharmaceuticals in different regions, it also plays a positive role in improving the level of drug quality management at the grass-roots level