Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Hezuo CHC support Pidu District
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-12-16

On December 7th, 2020, a new confirmed case of the new crown epidemic occurred in Pidu District. The center responded quickly. Cheng Xiaochuan, secretary of the Party branch of the center and director of the center, immediately presided over the epidemic prevention deployment meeting. He emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the practice of General Secretary Jin Ping and The Party Central Committee’s deployment requirements for normalizing the prevention and control of the epidemic, sound the alarm for epidemic prevention and control, race against time and go all out. All employees attach great importance to it, recognize the severity of the current prevention and control work, cancel all vacations, and all center employees Keep the mobile phone open 24 hours a day, and all staff enter a wartime state.

At 01:00 on December 8th, after receiving the notice from the Education, Culture, Health and Health Bureau of the High-tech Zone on supporting nucleic acid sampling in Pidu District, the center immediately dispatched the first batch of 30 people to urgently gather to support Pidu District as quickly as possible! Complete the nucleic acid sampling and information registration of 830 persons by hand.

On the evening of December 8th, the second group of 10 people from the center went to the Mould Park to complete 700 nucleic acid samples for the employees of the enterprises in the jurisdiction.