Strengthening the echelon construction and exploring the new trend of image
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-06-06
  • In order to promote the development of medical imaging specialty, strengthen the academic exchange of medical imaging, improve the professional level and management level of imaging practitioners. On June 4,2020, the First Session of the symposium on the Development and management of medical imaging was held online. Experts from Hwaseo Hospital and Inner Mongolia Medical College hospitals in Sichuan University were invited to participate in the symposium through face-to-face online communication, the relevant academic hot spots were discussed and more than 100 people were attracted to watch the live broadcast

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  • The conference was opened by Professor Song Bin of Hwaseo Hospital in Sichuan University and Professor Liu Yeshi of the Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University. The twenty experts and scholars from the two hospitals closely focused on the current development of the imaging discipline at home and abroad, this paper discusses the development trends and advanced concepts of contemporary medical imaging on the basis of the unity of subject development and practice, the coordinated development of medical teaching and research, the joint cultivation of medical talents, and the improvement of imaging diagnosis and professional level, the purpose is to contribute to the construction and development of medical imaging discipline and to train high-end talents of medical imaging.

  • At the end of the meeting, Professor Song Bin and Professor Liu Yeshi made a summary of the meeting and expressed their thanks to the medical staff who attended the meeting as well as the audience who attended the meeting online, at the same time, it is expected that the similar online face-to-face cross-regional academic exchange meetings will be carried out more, which will help to strengthen the discipline construction and improve the professional level of medical imaging.