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2019 annual meeting of adult Nephrology Association and academic annual meeting of Special Committee of Nephrology of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and advances in the diagnosis and treatment of nephrology in the elderly
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2019-09-07

Cool breeze, white dew fall, cicadas chirp. From September 7th to September 8th, 2019, the "2019 annual meeting of adult Nephrology Association and the academic annual meeting of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association special Committee on Kidney Diseases and the Study course on the Progress of the diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases in the elderly" was successfully held in Holiday Inn Xindu. The meeting by sichuan province geriatric medicine clinical medical research center, into medical renal union, chengdu high-tech medical association jointly organized, by medical school first affiliated hospital in chengdu, chengdu to undertake, the high and new medical association kidney disease branch of nephrology by chengdu medical school first affiliated hospital, medical school first affiliated hospital onset of chengdu, and in collaboration with the letter d group. The meeting invited to the national famous field of kidney disease, blood disease expert professor and related disciplines including more than 40 is kidney disease and related special reports and academic achievement sharing, a total of 28 from lectures and case discussion section, rich in content enrichment, further improve the basic medical institutions renal physician clinical diagnosis and treatment ability and scientific research level, but also promoted into medical renal alliance member unit of communication and collaboration. During the meeting, Chengdu High-tech Medical Association held a meeting of members of the Special Committee on Kidney diseases and elected additional members of the committee. The conference, attended by about 150 participants, concluded successfully on the afternoon of September 8th, 2019.

At 8 o 'clock in the morning of September 8th, the opening ceremony was held. Vice President Zhou Peng of the first Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College presided over the opening ceremony. At the opening ceremony, He Yuliang, vice president of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, announced the latest list of The Special Committee of Kidney Diseases, the special committee of Chronic disease Management and Renal Rehabilitation, and the special Committee of vascular Access. Subsequently, Ma Xiaoping, chairman of the Special Committee for Kidney Disease of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, Secretary Sun Yun of the first Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College, Zeng Bin, Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and Fan Junming, president of Chengdu Medical College addressed the conference respectively. There were also three awarding ceremonies at the opening ceremony: awarding ceremony of Sichuan Collaborative Innovation Center for Elderly care and Elderly Health Combined Chronic kidney Disease Demonstration Base, awarding ceremony of Sichuan Blood Purification specialized nurse training Base, awarding ceremony of member unit of Sichuan Alliance for Elderly Kidney Disease Research.

Xiao-ping ma director member of the chengdu hi-tech medical association kidney disease branch in his speech, this paper introduces the establishment of the chengdu high-tech medical association kidney disease branch of background and purpose, he said, through resource integration, starting the chengdu high-tech medical association kidney disease branch of academic conference for precision training, career will be faster to promote high-tech zone nephropathy blood purification medicine more standardized and orderly development. Then he said, the development of kidney disease branch of chengdu high-tech medical association has a unique advantage, learn to use the development of China's national high-tech zone leaders - chengdu high-tech zone advantage win support from the government poverty alleviation project, establishing accurate blood purification talent training base, promote the blood purification in the zone of the construction of talent team, etc., promote the development of chengdu high-tech zone blood purification medical enterprise, strive to realize society "based on high-tech, development of sichuan, looking west, toward the" goal.

Secretary Sun Yun of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College introduced the development status of the hospital in her speech. She mentioned that the First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College, founded in 1948, is a grade Iii first-class general hospital with profound historical background. In recent years, with the efforts of hospital workers, it has made great progress. As a teaching hospital, the hospital also undertakes the teaching tasks of undergraduate and postgraduate education, student planning and continuing education of Chengdu Medical College. In the future, the first Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College will continue to improve its own strength and build its medical, teaching, scientific research and management capabilities to match the affiliated hospital of the University. The first Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu Medical College will be built into a modern third-class first-class hospital, a regional medical center, a teaching and research hospital and a provincial medical center of Sichuan Province, she said.

Zeng Bin secretary-general mentioned in his speech, chengdu high-tech zone medical association kidney disease has gradually become one of major diseases in our country at present, in this context, to further promote the development of the cause of the kidney is a major responsibility for all renal medical personnel, so to strengthen the standardization of the kidney disease clinical training as well as to the kidney disease prevention and control of chengdu high-tech medical association kidney disease of obligatory responsibility. He said the society will take this academic event as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation with Chengdu Medical College and other universities to boost the development of gaoxin Health care. Then he introduced the background and development of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. He introduced to chengdu high-tech medical association adhere to the academic community groups across the region open integration development concept, actively absorb sichuan medical academic elite members inside and outside, is trying to build a base on high and new, to serve the entire western sichuan, radiation, open for international academic communication service platform, and through the academic exchanges to promote health development of health and the health industry. Hope this meeting can offer the renal professional personnel exchange control experience, sharing the latest research progress and technology platform, at the same time, he also hope that this meeting can promote the further development of kidney disease clinical work in the province, the experts expect at the conference make recommendations for sichuan kidney disease prevention and control work, promote exchanges and cooperation.

Chengdu medical college are fan Ming President in his speech, introduces the development background of chengdu medical college, and introduce that, meeting the needs of an ageing population in China, service health endowment enterprise in our province, to carry out the strategy of national pension and health services industry deployment, geriatrics society to establish a long-term cooperation with China, chengdu medical college was founded more than older medical related personnel training center, etc., and in 2015, leading the aged and elderly health industry development in sichuan province "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning", to create "aged and elderly health" school characteristics. He said that in the future, Chengdu Medical College will continue to closely follow the development of the elderly and elderly health industry, focusing on the training of geriatric medical personnel, gradually promote the pilot work, and gradually expand the service area, expand the beneficiary group. At last, President Fan Junming advocated that all the guests should make new contributions to the development of health care service industry.