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Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Medical Association International Exchange Center for Medical Innovation and Specialty Development (Professional Committee) inaugural meeting was successfully held!
Author:管理员  Addtime:2019-12-31

On December 21th, 2019, the inaugural meeting of International Exchange Center for Medical Innovation and Specialty Development of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Medical Association (Professional Committee) was successfully held in West China Campus of Sichuan University.


Zhou Jueqiao, director of membership and Organization Management Department of Chengdu High-tech Zone Medical Association, presided over the election meeting.

After LAN Jiang, the leader of the preparatory group of The International Exchange Center for Medical Innovation and Specialty Development of Medical Association of Chengdu High-tech Zone, reported the preparatory work of the center to the conference, the democratic election was carried out in accordance with the prescribed procedures of the Administrative Measures for academic Organization of Medical Association of Chengdu High-tech Zone. The meeting elected 71 members of international Exchange Center for Medical Innovation and Specialty Development of Medical Association of Chengdu High-tech Zone, including 1 chairman, 1 chair-elect, 5 vice-chairmen and 22 standing members.


West China hospital of sichuan university, deputy director of the hospital management institute wenjin gay elected as director of the committee members, west China hospital of sichuan university hospital management research institute was elected to the committee, director of the incoming Wang Dongchuan chief physician, Tibetan medical co., LTD from fukang YiHe, west China hospital of sichuan university, chengdu high-tech zone medical association management institute shaw hospital has its strong, chengdu people's livelihood of Gospel ent specialist hospital Zhao Lingli, disabled soldier hospital jian-qiang xie was elected as deputy director of committee of sichuan province.

Professor Wen Jin, the newly elected chairman, made a statement and organized a discussion on the work plan of the first center.

Secretary He Yuliang of The Medical Association of Chengdu High-tech Zone, on behalf of the Association, presented the award ceremony and delivered a speech to the International Exchange Center for Medical Innovation and Specialty Development. He expressed that he was full of expectations for the future of the International exchange Center for Medical Innovation and Specialty development, and hoped that the center would continue to develop and grow with the joint efforts of all of us. The establishment of international Exchange Center for Medical Innovation and Specialty Development of Medical Association in Chengdu High-tech Zone is another innovative work of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. It is believed that with the active work of all the members, they will certainly do a better job of medical innovation and specialty development, and make more contributions to attracting wealth and wisdom for Sichuan, Chengdu and high-tech zone, and promoting the landing of industry!


After the inaugural meeting, the International Exchange Center for Medical Innovation and Specialty Development organized study Tours to Taiwan and the United States. Study tour representatives spoke up and exchanged views enthusiastically.