Stay true to your original aspiration and forge ahead to boost the development of healthy hi-tech industries and high-quality industries
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-01-16

Under the strong leadership of the Health Department of the Social Affairs Bureau of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone, the Medical Association of the Hi-tech Zone has studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi's visit to Sichuan. Our work has always been focused on the three major tasks of "focusing on building strength, self-development and accelerating development", and achieved notable results in all areas. The following is the summary of work in 2019 and the report of work ideas for 2020:

1. Work summary of 2019

(1)Strengthening Party governance with strict discipline and giving play to the party's leading role in party building and politics

One is to strengthen the construction of the medical association party branch, earnestly fulfill the main responsibility; Second, we should adhere to the party branch work system, strengthen party members' study management, and formulate a living system for weaving and going up the wall. Third, adhere to the "three meeting one lesson" organizational life system, students report, democratic evaluation system. The fourth is to study, implement and publicize the party's thought and program to ensure the political direction of medical association construction.

(2)Improving quality and creating quality products to serve innovation-driven development

One is to improve the service and management of members, and revise 8 medical association management systems such as "Membership and Organization Management Measures". Second, the organization and development of the institute have been constantly strengthened. There are 26 governing units, 19 executive governing units, 176 member units, 5,700 individual members and more than 700 senior members. The third is the establishment of three clubs successively; 11 professional committees; Three groups.

(3)To improve the level of management and serve medical science and technology workers

First, the Society cooperated with enterprises for the first time this year to set up special research fund for medical science in high-tech zones to promote medical science and technology innovation. Second, it has jointly hosted and undertaken 66 activities of various societies at all levels, including one international conference, 14 national and regional conferences, 51 provincial activities, and more than 10,000 delegates. Third, the organization invited more than 10 internationally renowned experts from the United States, The United Kingdom and other countries and regions to lecture and exchange. Fourth, the "International Exchange Center for Medical Innovation and Specialty Development" was jointly established with the Hospital Management Institute of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, and some experts were organized to visit Taiwan and the United States for exchange. Fifth, continuing medical education has been widely covered. 30 public continuing medical education training courses have been held, with a total of 9,610 participants. Sixth, the district successfully completed the work of specialized continuing medical education, carrying out 108 specialized continuing education trainings, with 22,040 participants. Seventh, the annual completion of three clinical standardized training and theoretical operation examination, a total of 53 grassroots medical staff to participate in the examination, the pass rate of 100%. Eighth, I tried my best to do a good job in the "2019 Chengdu Skill Competition for Millions of Workers high-tech Zone Branch -- General Practitioner Pentathlon Competition", and awarded the first, second and third prizes of individual, group and individual comprehensive written tests.

(4)Integrate expert resources to serve the health quality of the whole people

One is to establish a "heart-induced stroke prevention alliance" with a municipal hospital. Establish "Community respiratory disease and chronic disease Prevention alliance" with provincial hospitals; Establish "Diabetes prevention and treatment Alliance" with West China Hospital. Give full play to the advantages of science and technology associations and expert resources, and strive to do a good job in the popularization of health education. Second, to fully promote the "50+50+4+1" health education popular science activities, carry out 51 health popular science activities (times), play 50 high-quality health popular science videos, train 4 health popular science teachers (times), and hold 1 health education instructor lesson plan competition (times). In addition, a large health science free clinic (times) will be held. Third, 28 popular science education lectures and free medical consultation activities were carried out jointly with several private medical institutions and community health service centers.

(5)To provide intellectual support and act as an assistant to the government in policy-making

First, to undertake the medical quality control and management work in the high-tech zone, and to create the "3+6+9 management mode" of quality control based on the actual situation. Second, the 8 quality control management teams that have been completed will be transformed into quality control sub-centers, and 13 quality control sub-centers will be gradually established. Third, the "general inspection of Medical Quality and health supervision" was carried out on 28 medical institutions, and the "retrospective inspection of medical quality management" on 16 medical institutions was conducted for the first time. Fourth, the district has carried out four inspections on health supervision and law enforcement in medical institutions. There were 66 inspection agencies, with 280 experts dispatched, and 895 suggestions and opinions were put forward by experts. Fifth, to undertake 352 practitioners (assistant) doctor examination work, registered pass rate is 72%. Sixth, to undertake the assessment of the qualifications of 87 people for senior professional and technical posts in the whole region, and the pass rate for the examination is 90%. Seven, to undertake the work of direct reporting of health statistics, 793 institutions have entered the system of direct reporting of health statistics, 213 more than in the same period. Eighth, to undertake the tracking and guidance of the entry of the work of "one unit for one unit in the examination and approval system of medical administration and medical institutions" of regional institutions; To undertake 15 practice reviews of medical institutions; To undertake the work of "Notice on the Preparation and establishment of the 'white List' system for medical institutions in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone", "Chengdu Health Commission organized experts to conduct a special investigation on 18 medical institutions in the region", "Filling in the data of health supervision Platform", "Notice on influenza training" and so on.

In 2019, we also completed more than 100 tasks assigned by the Social Affairs Bureau of Hi-tech Zone.

Ii. Analysis of main existing problems

(1) There are difficulties in gaining support from social forces

At present, social support is mainly obtained through enthusiastic enterprises paying group registration fees for their employees. How to standardize and actively enlist the support of social forces under the new situation is still a major issue to be studied and solved.

(2) There is still a big gap between the management and service of members

First, the basic work of member management is relatively weak. Second, the level of member service is not high.

(3) The construction of administrative offices needs to be further improved

First, the number of full-time staff in the office is still insufficient. Second, the staff of the institute is tired of coping with the daily work, learning and training is not enough, professional degree is not too high. Thirdly, the working quality and service level of the office cannot satisfy the members of many units and the general members fully.

Iii. Work plan for 2020

1. To strengthen the Party and promote the development of the Society

(1)Give full play to the role of the Party branch as a battle fortress, unite and lead all the members of the Society to actively explore new ways of party building in social organizations, and strengthen the guidance of party building in secondary academic organizations (special committees).

(2)Build a home for scattered Party members in institutions within the area, and fully absorb scattered Party members in all activities organized by the Party organization of the Institute.

(3)Actively carry out health poverty alleviation work, and spread the Warmth of the Party among the masses. 2. Building organizations and expanding the ranks

(1)Strengthen the capacity building of the academy.

(2)Further standardize financial management. Make it more open and transparent.

(3)Strengthen the construction and management of academic organizations. Vigorously cultivate and recommend excellent experts.

3.Grasping succession education and promoting skill improvement

(1)Innovate the mobile independent learning mode, and strive to reach over 70% of the teaching participation rate in the whole region.

(2)Comprehensively improve the level of public continuing teachers, employ associate professors and above experts from provincial and municipal special committees to give lectures, and conduct no less than 100 activities a year. WeChat classes no less than 100 times a year, academic salons no less than 20 times.

4.Promote healthy education in the community

(1)The annual health popularization activities revolve around the "50+50+4+1" model.

(2)Continue to cooperate closely with tertiary hospitals, build a platform for grass-roots doctors to communicate with experts, and carry out health popularization activities in schools, communities and enterprises.

(3)Actively seek for innovative models, carry out work in the form of combining online and offline, and vigorously promote the "Health Service Platform of Medical Association of high-tech Zone".

5. Focusing on scientific research and promoting discipline development

(1) Mobilize qualified institutions in the zone to apply for scientific research projects for 2020.

(2)Invite key discipline construction experts to guide and incubate institutions that plan to apply for major (academic) construction.

6.Improve the quality control system and strengthen quality supervision

(1)Continuously improve the construction of medical quality control system, system and service center in the hi-tech Zone.

(2)Carry out the regional medical quality control inspection according to the requirements of the district social Affairs Bureau.

7.To complete the work assigned by the ARSA

We will review the practice of institutions, carry out training on "Internet + online nursing", conduct regular assessment of good doctors, conduct training on fine anesthesia, register for professional titles, conduct technical examination, and conduct publicity and education on family planning.

The year 2020 is a crucial year for the development of the Academy. In strict accordance with the norms and requirements of 5A social organizations and with the supervision and assistance of the Bureau of Social Undertakings of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone, we should work harder, act as a good adviser and play a good assistant role in promoting the prosperity and development of health undertakings in the zone.

Comrades, in 2020, we will continue to stay true to our original aspiration and forge ahead to boost the development of healthy, hi-tech and high-quality industries.