Resolutions of the 5th Executive Meeting, annual work Supervision meeting and member representative Meeting of the first Session of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-01-20

The first session of the fifth Executive Director of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical AssociationMeeting, annual work supervision meeting and member representative assembly resolution

According to the relevant provisions of the Charter of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association held the 5th general assembly of all members on January 10th, 2020 in the conference room of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association. Chaired by Vice President Zhong Yan, the meeting adopted the following contents:

I. Report on the Renaming of "Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Medical Association" to "Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association"

Ii. Report of Supplementary Executive Directors

Iii. Report on acceptance of Projects Entrusted by the Government in 2019

Iv. Administrative Measures on Academic Organization of Medical Association in Hi-tech Zone

V. Administrative Measures for Academic Activities of Medical Association of Hi-tech Zone and Administrative Measures for Scientific Research Projects of Medical Association of Hi-tech Zone

Vi. Financial Situation Report of Medical Association 2019

Vii. Amending the Financial Reimbursement System

Viii. List of Advanced Collectives and Individuals in Recognition of 2019

Ix. Report on the Work of the Fifth Session of the First General Meeting of All Members

Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

January 20th, 2020