Enhance feelings, deepen understanding, and seek common development! -- Chengdu High-tech Medical Association visited Sichuan Modern Hospital
Author:管理员  Addtime:2020-06-12


On the afternoon of June 12th, 2020, He Yuliang, Secretary of The Party branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, Ai He, deputy Secretary-General of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association visited the Hi-tech District of Sichuan Modern Hospital and had a discussion with the head of the hospital. Jiang Tao, president of the High-tech District of Modern Hospital, Fan Ling, vice presidents Huang Yan and Yang Jun and other relevant department heads attended the symposium.

At the symposium, Vice President Yang Jun introduced the basic information of the high-tech district of Sichuan Modern Hospital, and Minister Zhou Juqiao of the High-tech Medical Association introduced the basic information of the high-tech medical Association and its membership service projects, which enhanced the understanding of the two parties.

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The two sides had a heated discussion on how to promote the high quality development and construction of sichuan Modern Hospital. On hospital development situation at present stage, puts forward the connotation construction, the construction of the discipline construction, personnel construction, branch, rating agencies, set up the Internet hospital, couplet of specialized medical constructive Suggestions, to expand the hospital popularity and demand, academic activities in hospital social service, application of scientific research, the elaborating management issues such as the hot discussion and communication. To the modern hospital takes the initiative to assume social responsibility, in Dege's medical poverty alleviation work has expressed the heartfelt admiration.


Through this visit, the association between the medical association and the medical units in the district was further strengthened, feelings were enhanced, and understanding was deepened. The medical association's function of "strengthening the grass-roots level and promoting transformation" was given full play, so as to better serve the hospital institutions in the district and work hard together for the development of the health cause in the high-tech zone.
