Notice on the holding of Sichuan Provincial Continuing Education Project
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-08-22

The first round notice of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association on the holding of Sichuan Provincial continuing education project "Training Class on Post Management of Head Nurse"

Medical institutions:

Sponsored by Nursing Branch of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and undertaken by Chengdu First People's Hospital, Sichuan Provincial Medical Continuing education project "Training Class for Head Nurse Post Management" [Project No. :20-001-14051129] is scheduled to be held in Chengdu, Sichuan province from September 18th to 19th, 2020. This training course aims to improve the scientific management ability of head nurses at all levels of medical institutions, better promote practical and cutting-edge nursing management concepts, nursing skills, high-quality nursing model, inherit and promote the excellent nursing culture, so that more nursing management workers can benefit from it. We invite a number of well-known experts in the field to give lectures and have academic exchanges and discussions on the latest progress and hot issues in nursing managementAwarded to students at the provincial level (Ⅰ class) continuing medical education credits on four points. The relevant matters of the meeting are hereby notified as follows:

I. Participants

Hospitals at the provincial, municipal, state and county levels are engaged in nursing management related nursesStaff, nursing managers and nursing backbone.

Ii. Training course time

Check-in time: 08:00-08:30 on September 18th, 2020

Teaching time: September 18th to September 19th, 2020 (Friday to Saturday)

Important note: Please bring your ID card for the training on the day of the training. Please bring your ID card for the training after the training.

Iii. Training Venue

Training Address: No. 18, North Vientiane Road, High-tech Zone, Chengdu

Location: Academic Hall of Chengdu First People's Hospital (Academic Lecture Hall, 4 / F, Third Inpatient Building)

Route map: Metro Line 5, exit of Municipal First Hospital Station; 26 road, 162 Road, 187 Road, 188 Road, 502 Road into a hospital station in Hanzhong Road; 40 road, 55 road, 84 road, 91 road, 93 road, 120 Fucheng Avenue a hospital station.

Iv.Content of the meeting

Standardized management of nursing quality

DRGs and ward care management

Humanistic care in nursing management

Nursing quality management based on grade hospital evaluation

Management and countermeasures of nursing adverse events

Standard writing of nursing documents

Application of cluster management in nursing management

Revision and application of nursing quality evaluation standard in Sichuan Province

Nursing management face to face

v. Charging standard :400 yuan per person.

1. Scan the code for payment and fill in the billing information

2. Public transfer and fill in the invoice information

Name: Chengdu High-tech Medical Association

Tax identification number (Social credit code) :51510100MJQ260706Q

Address: No. 65, Xinyi West Street, High-tech Zone, Chengdu 028-69990152

Bank and account number: Chengdu Gaoxin Sub-Branch, China Construction Bank Co., LTD

Vi. Registration method

Sign up for WeChat and join the learning group. Please be sure to attend the meeting

Registration will be completed before September 16, 2020.

Vii. Contact person and contact information

Xiao teacher: 028-85310927

Miss zhou: 028-69990152

Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

August 20th, 2020