The training Class for head Nurse Post Management in Sichuan Province was successfully held in 2020!
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-09-20


From September 18 to 19, 2020, sponsored by Chengdu High-tech Medical Association and undertaken by Chengdu First People's Hospital and Chengdu Nursing Branch of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, the 2020 provincial Continuing medical Education training Class for Head Nurse was successfully held in the academic lecture hall of Chengdu First People's Hospital. This training class was strongly supported by Chengdu First People's Hospital.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Luo Jun, vice president of Chengdu First People's Hospital. Zeng Bin, Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, delivered a speech. Zhao Cong, Party Secretary of Chengdu First People's Hospital and president of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association delivered a speech.


Luo Jun, vice president of Chengdu First People's Hospital, presided


Zhao Cong, secretary of the Party Committee of Chengdu First People's Hospital and president of High-tech Medical Association, made the speech


Zeng Bin, Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, delivered a speech

Eight famous experts and professors were invited as the teachers of this training class. It mainly focuses on the training of nurse talents, improving the management level of head nurses, and promoting the connotation of nursing quality. More than 200 health care workers attended the training.


Liao Yan, DRGs and Ward Nursing Management, Shangjin Nanfu Hospital, Chengdu

First of all, Director Liao Yan of Chengdu Shangjin Nanfu Hospital brought us drGS-based nursing management related content sharing, so that all the medical staff present had a clearer understanding of the good function and basic application of DRGs.


Chen Yan interpretation of Nursing Document Writing Standards in Sichuan Province, Chengdu First People's Hospital

Chen Yan, head nurse of Chengdu First People's Hospital, shared the standards of writing nursing documents in Sichuan province for everyone, and made a clear and effective interpretation for all medical staff present. She set up good standards for the subsequent work and brought practical and feasible operation guidance.


Yin Jun, Nursing Adverse Event Management and Countermeasures, Chengdu First People's Hospital

Deputy director of the first people's hospital of chengdu nursing Yin Jun brought face care for everyone and to share in the risk of adverse events, improve the staff present damage recognition of nursing adverse events, nursing adverse event risk estimate judgment, nursing adverse events as well as the countermeasures of prevention and management ability.


"Humanistic Care in Nursing Management" by Peng Shunrong, Chengdu Second People's Hospital

Director of chengdu second people's hospital nurses Peng Shunrong brought nursing humanities related content for everyone to share, all present all health care providers, arouses more clearly recognize the importance of this job for society, and humankind, a more thorough understanding to the necessity of nursing care, to study the nursing professional humanities cultivation practice of knowledge and content.


Ma Xiaolin, Nursing Quality Management based on Grade Hospital Evaluation Method, Chengdu Third People's Hospital

During the training, director of the third people's hospital of chengdu nursing Ma Xiaolin brought everybody level hospital evaluation method based on the quality of care management, through the relevant provisions from the perspective of individual review and nursing depth profiling for review purposes, let all staff to grade hospital site assessment methods have a more thorough understanding, also let hospitals clearly recognize that still need to strengthen the direction and the way to improve itself.


Chen Xiaorong, Application of Cluster Management in Nursing Management, Orthopaedic Hospital of Sichuan Province

Chen Xiaorong, director of nursing Department of Orthopaedic Hospital of Sichuan Province, brought us a series of content sharing of cluster management, cluster intervention and cluster nursing in clinical practice. Through sharing, medical staff on the scene more deeply learned the application of cluster management in clinical nursing.


Liu Surong, Application of Nursing Quality Evaluation Standard and Nursing Quality Standardized Management, Chengdu First People's Hospital

Chengdu first people's hospital nurses Liu Surong brought in nursing quality evaluation standard, director of the application and nursing quality standardization management of relevant content to share, to present all the medical staff more clearly recognize the expert consultation results, the structural part inspection, etc to the necessity of the revision and application of nursing quality evaluation standard; Better understand the implementation details of standardized management of nursing quality.


Nursing management face to face six people enthusiastically share the scene


The participants are actively interacting with each other


Group photo of participants

At the end of this training, the participants were tested and awarded the certificate of competency. Experts with profound theoretical knowledge and rich clinical and teaching experience, broaden the students' horizon, so that students learn more new theories, new knowledge, new technology, new methods, students have been warmly supported, and achieved the goal of improving students' professional quality, better service for patients.