Explore new methods of cross-integration of medical industry, and promote the coordinated development of specialty construction and pharmaceutical industry with high quality!
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-11-05

On the afternoon of November 3th, 2020, in the conference room on the second floor of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, shenzhen and Chengdu jointly held the seminar of "Strengthening the cross integration of medical industry, Promoting the specialty construction and the high-quality coordinated development of pharmaceutical industry", which was successfully held.

This seminar was co-sponsored by Sichuan Tianfu Health Industry Research Institute, Chengdu Tianfu New District Medical Association and Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, and undertook by the International Special Committee on Medical Innovation and Specialty Development, co-organized by The United East U Valley. Shenzhen Guangming District Medical Association, Longhua District Medical Association and Chengdu Science and Technology associations gathered at Chengdu High-tech Medical Association to discuss the new method of cross-integration of medical industry between Shenzhen and Chengdu in depth, and to promote the coordinated development of specialty construction and high quality of the pharmaceutical industry.


Dean wen-xing Chen sichuan tianfu health industry research institute, chengdu tianfu new area Chen Qi 勲 Zeng Bin President, chengdu high-tech medical association secretary general and shenzhen light dong-hui guo jian-hui hu district medical association secretary-general, shenzhen longhua district medical association secretary-general, shenzhen guangming district people's congress (NPC) general Joe committee KuangHongChen deputy section chief, shenzhen guangming district people's congress (NPC) general Joe committee Zhang Ximin deputy section chief and other leaders attended the meeting.


Huang Pengyu, director of biological Industry Development Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone


Chen Wenxing, president of Sichuan Tianfu Health Industry Research Institute

Mr. Huang Pengyu, director of Biological industry Development Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, Mr. Wu Bossheng, director of Education, Culture and Health Bureau, attended the meeting and gave a warm speech.


Formally founded by Chen Qi 勲 , President of Chengdu Tianfu New District

The meeting was chaired by Zeng Bin, Secretary-General of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association.


Zeng Bin, Secretary-General of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

As an important window of China's reform and opening up, Shenzhen has made remarkable achievements in various undertakings. As an international and innovative city full of charm, power, vitality and innovation, Shenzhen is also a socialist pilot demonstration area with Chinese characteristics.

This seminar invited the colleagues of Shenzhen Medical Association, which is an opportunity for us to learn together, and is more conducive to promoting the work of the society at a higher starting point, at a higher level, and with a higher goal. The seminar carried out in-depth discussions and exchanges on science and technology innovation policies and trends, cooperation areas promoted mainly by the government and the pharmaceutical and biological science and technology circles, policies and measures of technology and scientific achievements transformation, the establishment of innovative information exchange of medical specialties, the construction of scientific research laboratories and the entry points of innovation work of science and technology communities in Shenrong.

The seminar carried out in-depth discussions and exchanges on science and technology innovation policies and trends, cooperation areas promoted mainly by the government and the pharmaceutical and biological science and technology circles, policies and measures of technology and scientific achievements transformation, the establishment of innovative information exchange of medical specialties, the construction of scientific research laboratories and the entry points of innovation work of science and technology communities in Shenrong.


Seminar Overview

Hu Jianhui, Secretary-General of Shenzhen Guangming District Medical Association and Guo Donghui, Secretary-General of Shenzhen Longhua District Medical Association respectively introduced the basic information of their respective societies. Ai He, deputy Secretary-General of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, introduced the general situation of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and gave full play to the service function of bridge and hub.


Hu Jianhui, Secretary-General of Shenzhen Guangming District Medical Association


Guo Donghui, Secretary-General of Shenzhen Longhua District Medical Association


Ai He, deputy Secretary-General of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association

This seminar has been highly valued and enthusiastically participated by many medical innovation and technology associations in Shenzhen and Chengdu. They expressed that the seminar could broaden their thinking and vision and play a positive role in promoting the work of the medical innovation science and technology community.

At present, it is an important period for the whole country to earnestly study and fully implement the spirit of the fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee. Delegates agreed that: one to keep in mind that xi jinping, general secretary of entrust, accurately grasp the new situation faced by the community of science and technology innovation work, strengthen the political bear responsibility and mission, and second, we must strengthen the overall planning, focus on the key task, to promote scientific and technological innovation in the work to a new level, to speed up the building to accelerate the development of high quality technology community is a responsibility, mission.


At the seminar, the participants also had full exchanges on the management of science and technology associations, strengthening cooperation between the two places, personnel training, and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and put forward many good suggestions on how to play a positive and constructive role in the innovation-driven development of science and technology associations. As medical frontier science and technology enterprise entered a new development era, science and technology community should consciously put the work in the development of the big picture to locate, accelerate the innovation drive, maximally mobilize the forces of the whole society, in order to further promote exchanges and cooperation of medical science and technology innovation dedication more power, trying to explore and develop new tech community system is a new development of new ideas.

At the meeting, a strategic cooperation agreement was signed between The medical associations of Shenzhen and Cheng. Will establish a regular medical innovation information exchange mechanism, the inter-city medical academic exchanges, jointly organized the twins double biomedical and clinical medical science and technology innovation contest, community to carry out the scientific and technological innovation of science and technology service experience exchange, how to accelerate promoting biological industry projects fall to the ground, to speed up the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and application flow, swap business work regularly summary and so on seven aspects has carried on the strategic agreement signed.


Sign strategic agreements


Sign strategic agreements

Huang Pengyu, director of the Biological Industry Development Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, and Wu Bosheng, director of the Education, Culture and Health Bureau of Chengdu High-tech Zone, witnessed the grand and enthusiastic signing ceremony.

The seminar of "Strengthening the cross integration of medical industry, promoting the coordinated development of specialty construction and pharmaceutical industry with high quality" was held successfully, which will certainly play a positive role in accelerating the development of science and technology associations in Shenrong.

The seminar was strongly supported by the Management Committee of Tianfu International Biological City.


Mr. Kuang Hongchen, deputy section chief, and Mr. Zhang Ximin, deputy section chief, Education, Culture, Health And Qiao Working Committee of The Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Guangming District, Shenzhen
