2020 Municipal Follow-up Education Project
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-11-23

Notice on holding the municipal follow-up education project of chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association Inspection Committee in 2020 "Inspection Quality Control Training Class in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone"

District (city) county medical and health units:

In order to improve the inspection quality control level of our city, let the medical staff of inspection and related departments understand the new progress and new trends of clinical inspection quality control, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation, the municipal follow-up education project "Inspection Quality Control Training Course of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone" is scheduled to be held in Chengdu on November 26th, 2020 (project No. :20201101049). This conference is co-sponsored by Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association and Chengdu First People's Hospital, and undertaken by Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone Inspection and Quality Control Sub-Center and Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone Inspection Committee. This class will invite experts from relevant fields in the province to teach and share the new progress and ideas of current clinical inspection quality management, which has strong clinical practicality and is worthy of learning from medical laboratory colleagues, doctors and technicians of related disciplines. Students who pass the assessment at the end of their study will be awarded 2 credits of continuing medical education at the municipal level. The relevant matters of the training are hereby notified as follows:

I. Training objects

Inspection and related professional medical personnel at all levels of medical institutions. All medical institutions and third-party testing institutions in Chengdu Hi-tech Zone are required to send representatives to attend the meeting.

Ii. Training time

1. Registration time: November 26th, 2020 (Thursday, 8:30-09:00)

2. Teaching time: November 26th, 2020 (Thursday 9:00-16:00)

Iii. Training location

Conference room of Zhongshan Gaoxin Orthopedic Hospital (Address: No.28, South Section 3, First Ring Road, Chengdu, Metro Line 3, Exit B, Yinguanmiao Subway Station).

Iv. Training contents

08:30-9:00, sign in

9:00-9:50, Laboratory Quality management of primary medical institutions, Li Hongxia

9:50-10:40, Application of cardiac injury related markers, Fu Hu

10:40-11:30, how do primary medical institutions carry out inter-room quality assessment, Wang Limin

11:30-13:00, working meal

13:00-13:50, Questions and Thoughts on NUCLEic acid detection of COVID-19, Lu Xiaojun

13:50-14:40, Morphological examination of blood cells, Xiong Eryang

14:40-15:30, Biosafety Management of COVID-19 Nucleic Acid Laboratory, Xie Chao-hui

15:30-16:00, maintenance of instruments and equipment, Mindray engineer

V. Checking attendance

The training will strictly follow the attendance checking system, and use the "Chinese Wisdom APP" to scan the QR code for check-in (8:30-9:00 on November 26th, 2020) and check-out (after 16:00 on November 26th, 2020). The training class carries out the double-sign method combining the mobile qr code and paper check-in with the continuing medical education project, and makes attendance checking during the training. Training takes the form of questionnaire survey, training assessment, assessment qualified issued municipal Ⅱ class continuing medical education credits two points.

Vi. Related matters

1. Registration and contact information

Delegates are requested to return the receipt in the form of letter and email before November 25th, 2020, so as to count the number of participants. This training course will enroll 100 people until the quota is full.

Contact person: Fu Hu

Contact number: 18980506036

E-mail: 453151318

2.Relevant matters

(1)This training is free of training fee, and the training unit will provide meeting and working meals.

(2)Travel expenses and accommodation expenses shall be paid by themselves and shall be reimbursed back to the unit in accordance with relevant regulations.

Attachment 1:

Receipt of inspection Quality Control Training Class of Chengdu Hi-tech Zone, a municipal continuing education project

Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

November 23th, 2020
