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The inaugural meeting of Neurology Professional Committee of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association was successfully held
Author:党群服务与组织管理  Addtime:2020-09-05


In order to improve the level of medical treatment, scientific research and teaching in the field of neurology, promote the standardized and individualized treatment of neuropathy, and promote the development of health care, chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association held the establishment conference of Neurology Professional Committee of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association in the afternoon of September 4th, 2020 in Chengdu.


He Yuliang, vice president of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, was awarded the special committee

The meeting was hosted by Zhou Jueqiao, director of the Organization Department of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association. Yu Liang, director of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, and 70 neurologists from major hospitals in Sichuan province attended the inaugural meeting of the first Neurology Professional Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association. He Yuliang, vice president of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association, attended the meeting and made a speech.


He Yuliang, vice president of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, presided over by Zhou Juqiao, head of the organization Department of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association

The Congress passed its deliberations and democratically elected leading bodies such as the standing committee, deputy chair, Chair and chairmandesignate of the Special Committee. Yu Liang, director of Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital was elected as the chairperson; Yan Bo, director of Shangjin Hospital of West China Hospital of Sichuan University was elected as the Chairmanship; Wu Xiaopin, First People's Hospital of Chengdu; Xu Fei, People's Hospital of Sichuan Province; Yang Xuhong, Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University of Chinese Medicine; and Zou Xiaoyi, Affiliated Hospital of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, were elected as the vice-chairpersons. After the founding conference, the first academic meeting of the special Committee was held.


Speech by Yu Liang, chairman of the Neurology Professional Committee

The successful holding of the establishment meeting of neurology professional Committee marks the vigorous development of the academic organization of Chengdu Hi-tech Medical Association, which will play an important role in improving the level of medical treatment, scientific research and teaching in the field of neurology. I sincerely hope that the Neurology Special Committee of Chengdu High-tech Medical Association will play a leading role in the work of "strengthening the grass-roots level and promoting transformation", actively explore the new mode of transformation of medical and industrial scientific and technological achievements, actively promote the collaborative and innovative development of regional medical specialties and the biomedical industry, and make new contributions to the development of health undertakings.
